Mhstate.inf Driver File Contents (R49589.EXE)

#	Version 2.13
#	Date 	9/10/2002
#	Initial Entries, ModemHelper will start with Start entry by default

#	Initial ModemHelper Start
Function	= SetInitialEntry
True		= State114, (state Start = true) set initial entry

#	Entry After Reseat
Function	= SetReseatEntry
True		= State114, (state EntryAfterReseatReboot = true) set RA re-entry

#	Entry After Hardware Test
Function	= SetHWRestartEntry
True		= State114, (state EntryAfterHardwareTestReboot = true) set HW re-entry

#	Entry After Com Port Test
Function	= SetComPortTestEntry
True		= State114, (state EntryAfterComPortReboot = true) set COM Port test entry

#	Entry After Uninstall
Function	= SetUninstallEntry
True		= State114, (state EntryAfterUninstall = true) set Uninstall test entry

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 1 - Initial Modem Helper Start...

Function	= IsThereLogFile
Dll			= MDMLog
True		= State102, (state114=true) log file exists
False		= State100, (state114=false) log file does not exist

Function	= CreateLogFile
Dll			= MDMLog
True		= State101, (state100) Created log file

Function	= SetLogFileBit
Dll			= MDMLog
True		= State104, (state101) Set log file bit

Function	= IsLogFileValid
Dll			= MDMLog
True		= State103, (state102=true) Valid log file
False		= RC04, (state102=false) Invalid log file

Function	= ObtainLastLogEntry
Dll			= MDMLog
True		= State104, (state103) Obtain last log entry

Function	= IE4OrBetter
Dll			= MDMDsply
True		= State105, (state104=true) IE Version Supported
False		= RC02, (state104=false) Browser Not IE4 or better

Function	= InitializeBrowser
Dll			= MDMDsply
True		= State106, (state105) Initialize Browser

Function	= DetermineAndRecordOSType
True		= State106a, (state106) Determine and record OS type

Function	= OsTypeIs98
True		= State113, (state106a=true)  Windows 98 Supported
False		= State106b, (state106a=false) OS Not 98

Function	= OsTypeIsME
True		= State113, (state106b=true) Windows ME Supported
False		= State106c, (state106b=false) OS Not ME

Function	= OsTypeIs2K
True		= State116, (state106c=true) Windows 2K Supported
False		= State106d, (state106c=false) OS Not 2K

Function	= OsTypeIsXP
True		= State116, (state106d=true) Windows XP Supported
False		= RC99, (state106d=false) OS Not XP, Must be unsupported OS

Function	= IsMdmInfoFileValid
True		= CheckDLD, (state113=true) Valid MdmInfo file
False		= RC09, (state113=false) MdmInfo file not valid

Function	= UserIsAdmin
True		= State113, (state115=true) Administrative Rights Detected
False		= RC50, (state115=false) User does not have Administrator Rights

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart New Entry for Conxant apps

Function = CheckDigitalLineDetect
Dll = check.dll
True = KillDLD, (CheckDLD) DLD found running
False = CheckMOH, (CheckDLD) DLD not running
Function = KillDigitalLineDetect
Dll = check.dll
True = CheckMOH, (KillDLD) DLD successfully killed
False = CheckMOH, (KillDLD) unable to kill DLD

Function = CheckModemOnHold
Dll = check.dll
True = KillMOH, (CheckMOH) MOH is running
False = State109, (CheckMOH) MOH not running
Function = KillModemOnHold
Dll = check.dll
True = State109, (KillMOH) MOH successfully killed
False = State109, (KillMOH) unable to kill MOH
# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 2 - Entry Type...

Function	= EntryTypeIsInitialEntry
True		= InitialEntry, (state109=true) Application is initialized
False		= State110, (state109=false) Not initial entry

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterReseat
True		= Activity, (state110=true) Re-Entry after Reseat Shutdown
False		= State111, (state110=false) Not Reseat Shutdown re-entry

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot
True		= HWRestart, (state111=true) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot
False		= State112, (state111=false) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot
True		= ScanPCIDevices, (state112=true) Re-Entry after ComPort Reboot
False		= State117, (state112=false) Not ComPort Reboot re-entry

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterUninstall
True		= State513, (state117=true) Re-Entry after uninstall
False		= InitialEntry, (state117=False) Not uninstall re-entry

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 3 - InitialEntry

Function	= Display
Page		= MDM_Util.tpl
1			= Activity, (stateInitialEntry=1) Choose continue to let ModemHelper execute
2			= MHdef, (stateInitialEntry=2) View definitions from first screen

Function	= Display
Page		= MHdef.tpl
1			= InitialEntry, (MHdef) Return from definitions

Function	= Display
Page		= Prog1.tpl, VerifyLocation

Function	= VerifyLocationInfo
True		= ScanPCIDevices, (VerifyLocation=true) Checking that windows has Telephony Location info set

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 4 - PCIScan

Function   	= ScanPCIDevices
True		= State301, (PCIScan=true) PCI Scan finished

Function	= CardBusDeviceFound
True		= State302, (State301=true) Card Bus Device Found
False		= State303, (State301=flase) No Card Bus Devices detected

Function	= IsCardBusModemFoundSupported
True		= State303, (State302=true) Card Bus device found supported
False		= RC55, (State302=flase) Card Bus device found not supported

Function	= ZeroClass7Devices
True		= RegScan, (State303=true)No Class 7 devices found
False		= State304, (State303=false) Class 7 devices found

Function	= OnlyOneClass7Device
True		= RegScan, (State304=true) Only 1 Class 7 device found
False		= RC54, (State304=false) More than 1 Class 7 device found

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 5 - RegScan

Function	= ScanRegistry
True		= State305, (RegScan=true) Registry scan finished

Function	= ModemNotInEnumPCI
True		= RC55, (State305=true) A modem detected was other than PCI
False		= State306, (State305=false) Only PCI modems detected

Function	= MoreThanOneModem
True		= State306a, (State306=true) More than 1 modem detected
False		= Compare, (State306=false) Only 1 modem detected

Function	= InstallFlagIsSet
True		= RC57, (State306a=true) More than 1 modem detected after reinstall
False		= RC54, (State306a=false) More than 1 modem detected before reinstall

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 6 - Compare

Function	= CompareTwoModemScans
True		= State307, (Compare=true) Comparing of 2 scans complete

Function	= BothNone
True		= State307a, (State307=true) Both files state no modems found
False		= State308, (State307=false) Files state that at least 1 modem found

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterReseat
True		= RC63, (state307a=true) Second Reseat Attempt
False		= RC62, (State307a=false) First Reseat Attempt

Function	= BothNonDell
True		= RC52, (State308=true) Both files state Non Supported modem
False		= State309, State308=false) Files state that at least 1 modem supported

Function	= BothMatch
True		= State313, (State309=true) Both files match
False		= State310, (State309=false) Both files do not match

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 7 - No Match

Function	= PCIModemNone
True		= RC52, (State310=true) Modem not found in PCI scan but modem in Registry (16-Bit PC Card?)
False		= State311, (State310=false) Modem found in PCI

Function	= PCIModemNonDell
True		= RC52, (State311=true) Modem not found in PCI scan but not Supported
False		= State312, (State311=false) Modem found in PCI and Supported

Function	= REGModemNone
True		= State315, (State312=true) Modem Found in PCI supported but no modem found in Registry
False		= State315, (State312=false) Modem Found in PCI supported and modem found in Registry not supported

Function	= WriteModemName
True		= State314

Function	= WriteModemsRegistryId
True		= VerifyInstall

Function	= WriteModemName
True		= State316

Function	= WriteModemsRegistryId
True		= Reinstall

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 8 - VerifyInstall

Function = InitializeSearchModemInfFile
True  = VerifyInstall1, (StateVerifyInstall=True) Class=Modem Found
False  = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyInstall=false) Class=Modem not found

Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfFolder
True  = VerifySearchString, (StateVerifyInstall3=True) Modem inf file found
False  = VerifyInstall2, (stateVerifyInstall3=false) Modem inf file not found

Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfOtherFolder
True  = VerifySearchString, (StateVerifyInstall4=True) Modem inf file found
False  = VerifyInstall3, (stateVerifyInstall4=false) Modem inf file not found

Function = SearchModemInfFileInDefinePath
True  = VerifySearchString, (StateVerifyInstall5=True) Modem inf file found
False  = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyInstall5=false) Modem inf file not found

Function = InstallFlagIsSet
True  = InstallFail, (stateTestInstallFlag=true) 2nd verify install
False  = Reinstall, (stateTestInstallFlag=false) Drivers need to be installed

Function = VerifySearchString
True  = SearchChildInfFiles, (StateSearchString=True) Search String Found in INF
False  = TestInstallFlag, (StateSearchString=False) Search String Not Found in INF
Function = InitializeSearchChildInfFiles
True  = VerifyChildInstall, (StateSearchChildInfFiles=True) Search Child inf files Ok
False  = TestInstallFlag, (StateSearchChildInfFiles=False) Search Child inf files Error
Function = GetChildInfFile
True  = VerifyChildInstall3, (StateVerifyChildInstall=True) Child inf file detected
False  = BuildHKR, (VerifyChildInstall=false) No more child inf file

Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfFolder
True  = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall3=True) Modem child inf file found
False  = VerifyChildInstall4, (stateVerifyChildInstall3=false) Modem child inf file not found
Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfOtherFolder
True  = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall4=True) Modem child inf file found
        False  = VerifyChildInstall5, (stateVerifyChildInstall4=false) Modem child inf file not found
Function = SearchModemInfFileInDefinePath
True  = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall5=True) Modem child inf file found
False  = SetAliasChildInfFile, (stateVerifyChildInstall5=false) Modem child inf file not found
Function = SetAliasChildInfFile
True  = VerifyAliasInstall3, (stateSetAliasChildInfFile=true) Modem alias child inf file found
False  = TestInstallFlag, (stateSetAliasChildInfFile=false) Modem alias child inf file not found

Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfFolder
True  = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall3=True) Modem alias inf file found
False  = VerifyAliasInstall4, (stateVerifyChildInstall3=false) Modem alias inf file not found
Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfOtherFolder
True  = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall4=True) Modem alias inf file found
False  = VerifyAliasInstall5, (stateVerifyChildInstall4=false) Modem alias inf file not found
Function = SearchModemInfFileInDefinePath
True  = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall5=True) Modem alias inf file found
False  = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyChildInstall5=false) Modem alias inf file not found

Function = BuildHKR
True  = VerifyAddReg, (BuildHKR=True) Build HKR for child inf files Ok
False  = TestInstallFlag, (BuildHKR=False) Build HKR for child inf files Error

Function = VerifyAddReg
True  = VerifyCopyFiles, (VerifyAddReg=true) AddReg verified
False  = TestInstallFlag, (VerifyAddReg=false) Error in AddReg section of INF
Function = VerifyCopyFiles
True  = VerifySupplementaryFiles, (VerifyCopyFiles=true) CopyFiles verified
False  = TestInstallFlag, (VerifyCopyFiles=false) Error in CopyFiles section of INF
Function = VerifySupplementaryFiles
True  = VerifyPortName, (VerifySupplementaryFiles=true) Supplementary Files verified
False  = TestInstallFlag, (VerifySupplementaryFiles=false) Can Not find a Suplementary File!
Function = VerifyPortName
True  = CheckPort, Verify Install, Drivers installed correctly, 1xxxxxxx, Check Port
False  = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyPortName=false) Installation not verified
Function = Display
Page  = RC53.tpl
1   = CloseApplication

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 9 - Reinstall
Function	= InstallFlagIsSet
True		= InstallFail, (Reinstall=true) Already Installed Once
False		= MdcModem, (Reinstall=false) First Time Reinstall

Function	= IsModemIsMDC
True		= Reinstall2, (MdcModem=true) Modem IS MDC type
False		= MiniPci, (MdcModem=false) Modem is not MDC type

Function	= IsModemIsMiniPci
True		= Reinstall2, (stateMiniPci=true) Modem is MiniPci type
False		= Reinstall1, (stateMiniPci=false) Modem is not identified

Function	= Display
Page		= Reinstl1.tpl
1			= State501, (stateReinstall1=1) Reinstall modem drivers
2			= RC56, (stateReinstall1=2) Chose not to let Modem Helper install driver

Function	= Display
Page		= Reinstl2.tpl
1			= State501, (stateReinstall2=1) Reinstall modem drivers
2			= RC56, (stateReinstall2=2) Chose not to let Modem Helper install driver

Function	= Display
Page		= prog10.tpl, State502

Function	= CDReady
True		= State503, (state502=true) CD ready
False		= State502b, (State502=False) CD Not ready

Function	= Display
Page		= cdnotrdy.tpl
1			= CloseApplication
2			= State501

Function	= UninstallModem
True		= State509, (state503=true) Uninstalled modem
False		= InstallError, (state503=false) Uninstall is not complete

Function	= RebootBeforeInstall
True		= State510, (State509) Reboot before install needed
False		= State504, (State509) Reboot before install not needed

Function	= Display
Page		= Restart2.tpl
1			= State514

Function	= Display
Page		= prog10.tpl, RefreshInstallPath

Function	= ReadModemName
True		= RefreshInstallPath2, (RefreshInstallPath=true) ReadModemName

Function	= CDReady
True		= State504, (RefreshInstallPath2=true) CDReady
False		= State502c, (RefreshInstallPath2=false) CD Not ready

Function	= Display
Page		= cdnotrdy.tpl
1			= CloseApplication
2			= RefreshInstallPath

Function	= DeleteTelephonIni
True		= State505, (state504) Delete telephon.ini

Function	= ExecuteTapiIni
True		= State515, (state505) Rebuild telephon.ini

Function	= IsInstallFailedFlagSet
False		= State506, (State515=true) InstallFailedFlag not set
True		= State508, (State515=false) InstallFailedFlag is set

Function	= ReinstallModem
True		= State507, (state506=true) Reinstall modem driver is complete
False		= State508, (state506=false) Reinstall modem is not finished

Function	= SetInstallFlag
True		= State516, (State507) Set the Install Flag

Function	= LookForLastKey
True		= ScanPCIDevices, (State517=true) Last Key found
False		= State508, (State517=false) Last Key Not Found

Function	= Display
Page		= RC53.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code Reinstall Failed

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 10 - Reinstall Reboot 

Function	= WriteModemName
True		= State517, Writing Name to temp file

Function	= OsTypeIs98
True		= State521, (State517=true) Windows 98 OS
False		= State518, (State517=false) Not Windows 98 OS

Function	= Display
Page		= UnstRb98.tpl
2			= State512

Function	= OsTypeIsME
True		= State522, (State518=true) Windows ME OS
False		= State519, (State518=false) Not Windows ME OS

Function	= Display
Page		= UnstRbME.tpl
2			= State512

Function	= OsTypeIs2K
True		= State523, (State519=true) Windows 2000 OS
False		= State520, (State519=false) Not Windows 2000 OS

Function	= Display
Page		= UnstRb2K.tpl
2			= State512

Function	= OsTypeIsXP
True		= State524, (State520=true) Windows XP OS
False		= RC09, (State520=false) Not Windows XP OS

Function	= Display
Page		= UnstRb2K.tpl
2			= State512

Function	= SetRunModeForReboot
True		= State512a

Function	= RebootAfterUninstall

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 11 - Check Com Port

Function	= CheckPort
True		= CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot, (stateTestPort=true) COM Port Responds
False		= TestTapi, (stateTestPort=false) COM Port does not respond

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot
True		= PortPassAfterReboot, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot=True) COM Port Pass after reboot
False		= CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterHWReboot, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot=False) First time COM Port Check Pass

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot
True		= PortPassAfterReboot, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterHWReboot=true) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot
False		= CheckDialTone, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterHWReboot=false) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot

Function	= Display
Page		= RC81.tpl

Function	= CheckModemRegisteredWithTapi
True		= RASRunning, (stateTestTapi=true) Check TAPI passed
False		= Reinstall, (stateTestTapi=false) Check TAPI failed, Reinstall

Function	= RemoteAccessServiceIsRunning
True		= StopRAS, (AdvancedComPortTesting1=true) Remote Access Server is running
False		= CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterComPortReboot, (AdvancedComPortTesting1=false) Remote Access Server is not running

Function	= StopRemoteAccessService
True		= RetestPortafterRASStopped, (StopRemoteAccessService=true) Remote Access Server Stopped
False		= CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterComPortReboot, (StopRemoteAccessService=false) Remote Access Server Not Stopped!

Function	= CheckPort
True		= PassAfterRASStop_ComRebootCheck, (stateTestPort=true) COM Port Responds after stopping Remote Access Service
False		= CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterComPortReboot, (stateTestPort=false) COM Port still does not respond after stopping Remote Access Service

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot
True		= RestartRASAfterreboot, (PassAfterRASStop_ComRebootCheck=True) COM Port Pass after reboot
False		= PassAfterRASStop_HardwareRebootCheck, (PassAfterRASStop_ComRebootCheck=False) First time COM Port Check Pass

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot
True		= RestartRASAfterreboot, (PassAfterRASStop_HardwareRebootCheck=True) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot
False		= CheckDialTone, (PassAfterRASStop_HardwareRebootCheck=False) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot

Function	= RestartRemoteAccessService
True		= PortPassAfterReboot, (RestartRASAfterreboot=True) Remote Access Service Restarted
False		= PortPassAfterReboot, (RestartRASAfterreboot=False) Remote Access Service NOT Restarted!

Function	= RestartRemoteAccessService
True		= CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot, (RestartRemoteAccessService=True) Remote Access Service restarted
False		= CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot, (RestartRemoteAccessService=TFalse) Remote Access Service NOT restarted!

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot
True		= State704, (FailAgainAfterComPortReboot=true) Failed again after Com Port Reboot
False		= CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterHardwareReboot, (FailAgainAfterComPortReboot=false) First Fail

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot
True		= RestartRASAfterHWreboot, (FailAgainAfterHWReboot=true) Failed again after Hardware Reboot
False		= AdvancedComPortTesting1, (FailAgainAfterHWReboot=false) First Fail

Function	= RestartRemoteAccessService
True		= RC85, (RestartRASAfterreboot=True) Remote Access Service Restarted
False		= RC85, (RestartRASAfterreboot=False) Remote Access Service NOT Restarted!

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 12 - Advanced Com Port Testing

Function	= IsDUNConnection
True		= RC68, (stateCheckPort=true) Active Dial Up Networking session
False		= RC67, (stateCheckPort=false) No DUN connection detected

Function	= Display
Page		= RC67.tpl
1			= RC67def, (stateRC67=1)
2			= RestartComputer, (stateRC67=2) Result Code 67 reboot to clear com port conflict
3			= RetryCheckPort, (stateRC67=3) retry check COM port

Function	= Display
Page		= RC67def.tpl
1		= RC67, (stateRC671=1)

Function	= Display
Page		= Prog2.tpl, ReRunComPortTest

Function	= CheckPort
True		= CheckDialTone, (ReRunComPortTest=true) Recheck Com Port Passed
False		= RC67, (ReRunComPortTest=false) Recheck Com Port Fail

Function	= SetRunOnceModeForReboot
True		= RestartComputer1

Function	= RestartComputer

Function	= Display
Page		= RC85.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 85 Hardware test passes but still No Com Port access

#	ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 12 - Check Com Port After Reboot

Function	= RunDllHardwareTest
True		= RestartRASAfterHWreboot, (state704=true) Vendor Hardware test passed
False		= State705, (state704=false) Vendor Hardware test failed

#	ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 13 - Hardware Fail Reasons

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterReseat
True		= RC69, (State705=true) Cannot Hardware after Reseat
False		= State705a,

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterUninstall
True		= RC69, (State705a=true) Cannot test Hardware after Uninstall Reboot
False		= State705b, 

Function	= DllHardwareTestLoadFailed
True		= RC60, (state705b=true) Hardware test -> DLL not loaded
False		= State706, (state705b=false) Hardware test -> Vendor's hardware test DLL loaded

Function	= DllHardwareTestInitFailed
True		= RC60, (state706=true) Hardware test -> DLL initialization failed
False		= State707, (state706=false) Hardware test -> Vendor's DLL test initialized

Function	= DllHardwareTestFunctionLoadFailed
True		= RC60, (state707=true) Hardware test -> No HardwareTest function in DLL
False		= RC71, (state707=false) Hardware test -> Function returned non-zero value (fail)

Function	= Display
Page		= RC71.tpl
1		= CloseApplication

Function	= Display
Page		= RC69.tpl
1		= CloseApplication

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 14 - HardwareDOS

Function	= EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot
True		= PCIScan, (HardwareDOS=true) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot
False		= CreateFloppy, (HardwareDOS=false) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot

Function	= Display
Page		= hdtest.tpl
1			= TestFloppy, (stateHardwareDOS=1) Ask user to insert floppy disk

Function	= IsFloppyInserted
True		= prog11, (stateTestFloppy=true) Floppy is in drive
False		= HardwareDOS, (stateTestFloppy=false) Floppy is not in drive

Function	= Display
Page		= prog11.tpl, CreateDiagnosticDisk

Function	= CreateDiagnosticDisk

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 15 - HWRestart

Function	= Display
Page		= Restart1.tpl
1			= State902, (StateHWRestart=1)

Function	= IsFloppyInserted
True		= State903, (State902=true) Floppy is inserted
False		= HWRestart, (State902=false) Floppy is not inserted

Function	= Display
Page		= Prog12.tpl, State905

Function	= ReadHWDOSResults
True		= ScanPCIDevices, (State905=true) hardware test passed on floppy disk
False		= RC71, (State905=false) hardware test failed on floppy disk

Function	= Display
Page		= RC60.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 60 Problems Attempting To Run Hardware Test for Modem
2			= RC60def

Function	= Display
Page		= RC60def.tpl
1			= RC60, (stateRC60def=1)

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 16 - CheckDialTone

Function	= IsDialToneFailedFlagSet
False		= IssueATCommand, (stateCheckDialToneFailedFlag=false) Dial Tone failed flag is not set
True		= RC70, (stateCheckDialToneFailedFlag=true) Dial tone failed flag set

Function	= IsDialToneDetected
True		= Finished, (stateIssueATCommand=true) Dial Tone test passed
False		= SetDialToneFailedFlag, (stateIsueATCommand=false) Dial Tone test failed
#False		= Hardwaretestfordailtone, (stateIssueATCommand=false) Dial Tone test failed

Function	= SetDialToneFailedFlag
True		= Hardwaretestfordailtone, (SetDialToneFailedFlag=true) Dial Tone Failed Flag Set

Function	= Display
Page		= Line00.tpl
1			= L00def, (stateQueryPhoneAvailable=1) View definitions
2			= Line01, (stateQueryPhoneAvailable=2) No - Phone not available
3			= Line02a, (stateQueryPhoneAvailable=3) Yes - Phone available

Function	= Display
Page		= L00def.tpl
1			= LineConnectionError, (L00def) back from definitions page

Function	= Display
Page		= RC70.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 70 No Dial Tone After Line Debugging
2			= RC70def

Function	= Display
Page		= RC70def.tpl
1			= RC70, (stateRC70def=1)

Function	= OsTypeIs98SEOrME
True		= State1704, (Hardwaretestfordailtone=true) 98 or ME Detected
False		= State1710, (Hardwaretestfordailtone=false) 2k or XP Detected

Function	= UseBdisk
True		= State1704a, (State1710=true) BDisk Supported Modem found
False		= State1704, (State1710=false) No BDisk supported modem fou

Function	= RunDllHardwareTest
True		= State1704a, (state1704=true) Hardware test passed
False		= State705, (state1704=false) Hardware test failed

Function	= IsTAPICountryValid
True		= State1705, (state1704a=true) Country Code Captured
False		= State1706, (state1704a=false) Country Code Not Captured

Function	= Display
Page		= VrfyCtry.tpl
1			= LineConnectionError, (State1705=YES) Country set correctly
2			= State1706, (State1705=NO) Country Not set correctly

Function	= Display
Page		= ChngCtry.tpl
1			= ShowTapi2, (State1706=1) Check TAPI Country Setting
2			= Prog082, (State1706=2) Try Dialtone Test Again

Function	= DisplayTAPISettings
True		= State1706

Function	= Display
Page		= Prog8.tpl, RetryATCommand

Function	= IsDialToneDetected
True		= Finished, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=true) Dial Tone test passed
False		= LineConnectionError, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=false) Dial Tone test failed again

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 18 - Line01 and Line02

Function	= Display
Page		= Line01.tpl
1			= L01def, (stateLine01=1) View definitions
2			= Prog08a, (stateLine01=2) Yes - Decided to retry dial tone
3			= RC66, (stateLine01=3) No - Decided not to debug dial tone
4			= ShowTapi, (StateLine01=4) Display Tapi Window

Function	= Display
Page		= Prog8.tpl, IssueATCommandLine01

Function	= IsDialToneDetected
True		= Finished, (stateIssueATCommandLine01=true) Dial Tone test passed after Line01
False		= Line01, (stateIssueATCommandLine01=false) Dial Tone test failed again

Function	= DisplayTAPISettings
True		= Line01

Function	= Display
Page		= L01def.tpl
1			= Line01, (stateL01def) View definitions

Function	= Display
Page		= Prog8.tpl, IssueATCommandAgain

Function	= IsDialToneDetected
True		= Finished, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=true) Dial Tone test passed
False		= Rc70, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=false) Dial Tone test failed again

Function	= IsModemIsMDC
True		= Line02b, (stateLine102A=true) Modem Type is MDC
False		= Line02, (stateLine102A=false) Modem Type is not MDC

Function	= Display
Page		= Line02.tpl
1			= L02def, (stateLine02=1) View definitions
2			= Line03, (stateLine02=2) Yes - heard Dial Tone on handset phone  
3			= Line04, (stateLine02=3) No - no Dial Tone on handset phone

Function	= Display
Page		= L02def.tpl
1			= Line02, (stateL02def) Back to Line02 page

Function	= Display
Page		= Line02b.tpl
1			= L02bdef, (stateLine02b=1) View definitions
2			= Line03a, (stateLine02b=2) Yes - heard Dial Tone on phone  
3			= Line04, (stateLine02b=3) No - no Dial Tone on phone

Function	= Display
Page		= L02bdef.tpl
1			= Line02b, (stateL02bdef) Back to Line02b page

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 19 - Line03 and Line04

Function	= Display
Page		= Line03.tpl
1			= L03def, (stateLine03=1) View definitions
2			= Prog08, (stateLine03=2) Cord reseat; retry Dial Tone test

Function	= Display
Page		= L03def.tpl
1			= Line03, (stateL03def) back from definitions to line03 page

Function	= Display
Page		= Line03a.tpl
1			= L03adef, (stateLine0a=1) View definitions
2			= Prog08, (stateLine03a=2) Cord reseat; retry Dial Tone test

Function	= Display
Page		= L03adef.tpl
1			= Line03a, (stateL03adef) back to line3a page from definitions

Function	= Display
Page		= Line04.tpl
1			= L04def, (stateLine04=1) View definitions
2			= Line03, (stateLine04=2) Yes - Dial Tone after failure
3			= Line05, (stateLine04=3) No - No Dial Tone at wall jack

Function	= Display
Page		= L04def.tpl
1			= Line04, (stateL04def) back to line4 page from definitions

Function	= Display
Page		= Line05.tpl
1			= CloseApplication

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 20 - Finished

Function	= RestartRemoteAccessService
True		= DisplayFinalPage, (StateFinished=True) Remote Access Service restarted
False		= DisplayFinalPage, (StateFinished=False) Remote Access Service Not restarted!

Function	= Display
Page		= Advanced.tpl
1			= Advdef, (stateDisplayFinalPage=1) View definitions
2			= BackupLogFile, (stateDisplayFinalPage=2) All tests passed - normal exit
3			= ViewLog1

Function	= Display
Page		= Advdef.tpl
1		= Finished, (Advdef) Back from definitions

Function	= ViewLogFile
Dll		= MDMLog
True		= DisplayFinalPage

Function	= BackupLogFile
Dll		= MDMLog
True		= CloseApplication

Function	= CloseApplication

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 21 - Internal Errors

Function	= Display
Page		= RC04.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 04 mdm_util.log file is corrupt
Function	= Display
Page		= RC50.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 50 User is not administrator

Function	= Display
Page		= RC06.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 06 Windows Com Library Error

Function	= Display
Page		= RC02.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 02 Browser is not IE4 or Better

Function	= Display
Page		= RC99.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 99 OS is not supported

Function	= Display
Page		= RC09.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 09 Invalid mdminfo.inf file
2			= RC09def

Function	= Display
Page		= RC09def.tpl
1			= RC09, (stateRC09def=1)

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart - Bad Modem Detection

Function	= Display
Page		= RC52.tpl
1		= CloseApplication, Result Code 52 Non Supported modem detected

Function	= Display
Page		= RC54.tpl
1		= CloseApplication, Result Code 54 multiple modems found

Function	= Display
Page		= RC55.tpl
1		= CloseApplication, Result Code 54 PCMCIA modem found

# ModemHelper SG FlowChart - Error Pages

Function	= Display
Page		= RC56.tpl
1			= RC561, (stateRC56=1)
2			= CloseApplication, Result Code 56 auto-repair declined

Function	= Display
Page		= RC57.tpl
1		= CloseApplication, Result Code 57 multiple modems found after reinstall

Function	= Display
Page		= RC56def.tpl
1			= RC56, (stateRC561=1) back to rc56 page from definitions

Function	= Display
Page		= RC62.tpl
1			= RC621, Result Code 62 modem reseat needed
2			= RC620, (stateRC62=2)

Function	= Display
Page		= RC62def.tpl
1			= RC62, (stateRC620=1)

Function	= SetRunModeForReboot
True		= RC621a

Function	= ShutdownComputer

Function	= Display
Page		= RC63.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 63 HW Reseat

Function	= Display
Page		= RC66.tpl
1			= CloseApplication, Result Code 66 Did not verify good wall jack and cord with a handset
2			= RC66def

Function	= Display
Page		= RC66def.tpl
1			= RC66, (stateRC66def=1)

Function	= Display
Page		= RC68.tpl
1			= RC68def, (stateRC68=1)
2			= CloseApplication, Result Code 68 Dial Up Networking is active

Function	= Display
Page		= RC68def.tpl
1			= RC68, (stateRC680=1)

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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