################################################################################################## # # Version 2.13 # Date 9/10/2002 # ################################################################################################## # # Initial Entries, ModemHelper will start with Start entry by default # # # Initial ModemHelper Start # [Start] Function = SetInitialEntry True = State114, (state Start = true) set initial entry # # Entry After Reseat # [EntryAfterReseatReboot] Function = SetReseatEntry True = State114, (state EntryAfterReseatReboot = true) set RA re-entry # # Entry After Hardware Test # [EntryAfterHardwareTestReboot] Function = SetHWRestartEntry True = State114, (state EntryAfterHardwareTestReboot = true) set HW re-entry # # Entry After Com Port Test # [EntryAfterComPortReboot] Function = SetComPortTestEntry True = State114, (state EntryAfterComPortReboot = true) set COM Port test entry # # Entry After Uninstall # [EntryAfterUninstall] Function = SetUninstallEntry True = State114, (state EntryAfterUninstall = true) set Uninstall test entry ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 1 - Initial Modem Helper Start... # [State114] Function = IsThereLogFile Dll = MDMLog True = State102, (state114=true) log file exists False = State100, (state114=false) log file does not exist [State100] Function = CreateLogFile Dll = MDMLog True = State101, (state100) Created log file [State101] Function = SetLogFileBit Dll = MDMLog True = State104, (state101) Set log file bit [State102] Function = IsLogFileValid Dll = MDMLog True = State103, (state102=true) Valid log file False = RC04, (state102=false) Invalid log file [State103] Function = ObtainLastLogEntry Dll = MDMLog True = State104, (state103) Obtain last log entry [State104] Function = IE4OrBetter Dll = MDMDsply True = State105, (state104=true) IE Version Supported False = RC02, (state104=false) Browser Not IE4 or better [State105] Function = InitializeBrowser Dll = MDMDsply True = State106, (state105) Initialize Browser [State106] Function = DetermineAndRecordOSType True = State106a, (state106) Determine and record OS type [State106a] Function = OsTypeIs98 True = State113, (state106a=true) Windows 98 Supported False = State106b, (state106a=false) OS Not 98 [State106b] Function = OsTypeIsME True = State113, (state106b=true) Windows ME Supported False = State106c, (state106b=false) OS Not ME [State106c] Function = OsTypeIs2K True = State116, (state106c=true) Windows 2K Supported False = State106d, (state106c=false) OS Not 2K [State106d] Function = OsTypeIsXP True = State116, (state106d=true) Windows XP Supported False = RC99, (state106d=false) OS Not XP, Must be unsupported OS [State113] Function = IsMdmInfoFileValid True = CheckDLD, (state113=true) Valid MdmInfo file False = RC09, (state113=false) MdmInfo file not valid [State116] Function = UserIsAdmin True = State113, (state115=true) Administrative Rights Detected False = RC50, (state115=false) User does not have Administrator Rights ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart New Entry for Conxant apps # [CheckDLD] Function = CheckDigitalLineDetect Dll = check.dll True = KillDLD, (CheckDLD) DLD found running False = CheckMOH, (CheckDLD) DLD not running [KillDLD] Function = KillDigitalLineDetect Dll = check.dll True = CheckMOH, (KillDLD) DLD successfully killed False = CheckMOH, (KillDLD) unable to kill DLD [CheckMOH] Function = CheckModemOnHold Dll = check.dll True = KillMOH, (CheckMOH) MOH is running False = State109, (CheckMOH) MOH not running [KillMOH] Function = KillModemOnHold Dll = check.dll True = State109, (KillMOH) MOH successfully killed False = State109, (KillMOH) unable to kill MOH ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 2 - Entry Type... # [State109] Function = EntryTypeIsInitialEntry True = InitialEntry, (state109=true) Application is initialized False = State110, (state109=false) Not initial entry [State110] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterReseat True = Activity, (state110=true) Re-Entry after Reseat Shutdown False = State111, (state110=false) Not Reseat Shutdown re-entry [State111] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot True = HWRestart, (state111=true) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot False = State112, (state111=false) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot [State112] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot True = ScanPCIDevices, (state112=true) Re-Entry after ComPort Reboot False = State117, (state112=false) Not ComPort Reboot re-entry [State117] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterUninstall True = State513, (state117=true) Re-Entry after uninstall False = InitialEntry, (state117=False) Not uninstall re-entry ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 3 - InitialEntry # [InitialEntry] Function = Display Page = MDM_Util.tpl 1 = Activity, (stateInitialEntry=1) Choose continue to let ModemHelper execute 2 = MHdef, (stateInitialEntry=2) View definitions from first screen [MHdef] Function = Display Page = MHdef.tpl 1 = InitialEntry, (MHdef) Return from definitions [Activity] Function = Display Page = Prog1.tpl, VerifyLocation [VerifyLocation] Function = VerifyLocationInfo True = ScanPCIDevices, (VerifyLocation=true) Checking that windows has Telephony Location info set ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 4 - PCIScan # [ScanPCIDevices] Function = ScanPCIDevices True = State301, (PCIScan=true) PCI Scan finished [State301] Function = CardBusDeviceFound True = State302, (State301=true) Card Bus Device Found False = State303, (State301=flase) No Card Bus Devices detected [State302] Function = IsCardBusModemFoundSupported True = State303, (State302=true) Card Bus device found supported False = RC55, (State302=flase) Card Bus device found not supported [State303] Function = ZeroClass7Devices True = RegScan, (State303=true)No Class 7 devices found False = State304, (State303=false) Class 7 devices found [State304] Function = OnlyOneClass7Device True = RegScan, (State304=true) Only 1 Class 7 device found False = RC54, (State304=false) More than 1 Class 7 device found ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 5 - RegScan # [RegScan] Function = ScanRegistry True = State305, (RegScan=true) Registry scan finished [State305] Function = ModemNotInEnumPCI True = RC55, (State305=true) A modem detected was other than PCI False = State306, (State305=false) Only PCI modems detected [State306] Function = MoreThanOneModem True = State306a, (State306=true) More than 1 modem detected False = Compare, (State306=false) Only 1 modem detected [State306a] Function = InstallFlagIsSet True = RC57, (State306a=true) More than 1 modem detected after reinstall False = RC54, (State306a=false) More than 1 modem detected before reinstall ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 6 - Compare # [Compare] Function = CompareTwoModemScans True = State307, (Compare=true) Comparing of 2 scans complete [State307] Function = BothNone True = State307a, (State307=true) Both files state no modems found False = State308, (State307=false) Files state that at least 1 modem found [State307a] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterReseat True = RC63, (state307a=true) Second Reseat Attempt False = RC62, (State307a=false) First Reseat Attempt [State308] Function = BothNonDell True = RC52, (State308=true) Both files state Non Supported modem False = State309, State308=false) Files state that at least 1 modem supported [State309] Function = BothMatch True = State313, (State309=true) Both files match False = State310, (State309=false) Both files do not match ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 7 - No Match # [State310] Function = PCIModemNone True = RC52, (State310=true) Modem not found in PCI scan but modem in Registry (16-Bit PC Card?) False = State311, (State310=false) Modem found in PCI [State311] Function = PCIModemNonDell True = RC52, (State311=true) Modem not found in PCI scan but not Supported False = State312, (State311=false) Modem found in PCI and Supported [State312] Function = REGModemNone True = State315, (State312=true) Modem Found in PCI supported but no modem found in Registry False = State315, (State312=false) Modem Found in PCI supported and modem found in Registry not supported [State313] Function = WriteModemName True = State314 [State314] Function = WriteModemsRegistryId True = VerifyInstall [State315] Function = WriteModemName True = State316 [State316] Function = WriteModemsRegistryId True = Reinstall ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 8 - VerifyInstall # [VerifyInstall] Function = InitializeSearchModemInfFile True = VerifyInstall1, (StateVerifyInstall=True) Class=Modem Found False = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyInstall=false) Class=Modem not found [VerifyInstall1] Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfFolder True = VerifySearchString, (StateVerifyInstall3=True) Modem inf file found False = VerifyInstall2, (stateVerifyInstall3=false) Modem inf file not found [VerifyInstall2] Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfOtherFolder True = VerifySearchString, (StateVerifyInstall4=True) Modem inf file found False = VerifyInstall3, (stateVerifyInstall4=false) Modem inf file not found [VerifyInstall3] Function = SearchModemInfFileInDefinePath True = VerifySearchString, (StateVerifyInstall5=True) Modem inf file found False = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyInstall5=false) Modem inf file not found [TestInstallFlag] Function = InstallFlagIsSet True = InstallFail, (stateTestInstallFlag=true) 2nd verify install False = Reinstall, (stateTestInstallFlag=false) Drivers need to be installed [VerifySearchString] Function = VerifySearchString True = SearchChildInfFiles, (StateSearchString=True) Search String Found in INF False = TestInstallFlag, (StateSearchString=False) Search String Not Found in INF [SearchChildInfFiles] Function = InitializeSearchChildInfFiles True = VerifyChildInstall, (StateSearchChildInfFiles=True) Search Child inf files Ok False = TestInstallFlag, (StateSearchChildInfFiles=False) Search Child inf files Error [VerifyChildInstall] Function = GetChildInfFile True = VerifyChildInstall3, (StateVerifyChildInstall=True) Child inf file detected False = BuildHKR, (VerifyChildInstall=false) No more child inf file [VerifyChildInstall3] Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfFolder True = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall3=True) Modem child inf file found False = VerifyChildInstall4, (stateVerifyChildInstall3=false) Modem child inf file not found [VerifyChildInstall4] Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfOtherFolder True = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall4=True) Modem child inf file found False = VerifyChildInstall5, (stateVerifyChildInstall4=false) Modem child inf file not found [VerifyChildInstall5] Function = SearchModemInfFileInDefinePath True = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall5=True) Modem child inf file found False = SetAliasChildInfFile, (stateVerifyChildInstall5=false) Modem child inf file not found [SetAliasChildInfFile] Function = SetAliasChildInfFile True = VerifyAliasInstall3, (stateSetAliasChildInfFile=true) Modem alias child inf file found False = TestInstallFlag, (stateSetAliasChildInfFile=false) Modem alias child inf file not found [VerifyAliasInstall3] Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfFolder True = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall3=True) Modem alias inf file found False = VerifyAliasInstall4, (stateVerifyChildInstall3=false) Modem alias inf file not found [VerifyAliasInstall4] Function = SearchModemInfFileInSystemInfOtherFolder True = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall4=True) Modem alias inf file found False = VerifyAliasInstall5, (stateVerifyChildInstall4=false) Modem alias inf file not found [VerifyAliasInstall5] Function = SearchModemInfFileInDefinePath True = VerifyChildInstall, (StateVerifyChildInstall5=True) Modem alias inf file found False = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyChildInstall5=false) Modem alias inf file not found [BuildHKR] Function = BuildHKR True = VerifyAddReg, (BuildHKR=True) Build HKR for child inf files Ok False = TestInstallFlag, (BuildHKR=False) Build HKR for child inf files Error [VerifyAddReg] Function = VerifyAddReg True = VerifyCopyFiles, (VerifyAddReg=true) AddReg verified False = TestInstallFlag, (VerifyAddReg=false) Error in AddReg section of INF [VerifyCopyFiles] Function = VerifyCopyFiles True = VerifySupplementaryFiles, (VerifyCopyFiles=true) CopyFiles verified False = TestInstallFlag, (VerifyCopyFiles=false) Error in CopyFiles section of INF [VerifySupplementaryFiles] Function = VerifySupplementaryFiles True = VerifyPortName, (VerifySupplementaryFiles=true) Supplementary Files verified False = TestInstallFlag, (VerifySupplementaryFiles=false) Can Not find a Suplementary File! [VerifyPortName] Function = VerifyPortName True = CheckPort, Verify Install, Drivers installed correctly, 1xxxxxxx, Check Port False = TestInstallFlag, (stateVerifyPortName=false) Installation not verified [InstallFail] Function = Display Page = RC53.tpl 1 = CloseApplication ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 9 - Reinstall # [Reinstall] Function = InstallFlagIsSet True = InstallFail, (Reinstall=true) Already Installed Once False = MdcModem, (Reinstall=false) First Time Reinstall [MdcModem] Function = IsModemIsMDC True = Reinstall2, (MdcModem=true) Modem IS MDC type False = MiniPci, (MdcModem=false) Modem is not MDC type [MiniPci] Function = IsModemIsMiniPci True = Reinstall2, (stateMiniPci=true) Modem is MiniPci type False = Reinstall1, (stateMiniPci=false) Modem is not identified [Reinstall1] Function = Display Page = Reinstl1.tpl 1 = State501, (stateReinstall1=1) Reinstall modem drivers 2 = RC56, (stateReinstall1=2) Chose not to let Modem Helper install driver [Reinstall2] Function = Display Page = Reinstl2.tpl 1 = State501, (stateReinstall2=1) Reinstall modem drivers 2 = RC56, (stateReinstall2=2) Chose not to let Modem Helper install driver [State501] Function = Display Page = prog10.tpl, State502 [State502] Function = CDReady True = State503, (state502=true) CD ready False = State502b, (State502=False) CD Not ready [State502b] Function = Display Page = cdnotrdy.tpl 1 = CloseApplication 2 = State501 [State503] Function = UninstallModem True = State509, (state503=true) Uninstalled modem False = InstallError, (state503=false) Uninstall is not complete [State509] Function = RebootBeforeInstall True = State510, (State509) Reboot before install needed False = State504, (State509) Reboot before install not needed [State513] Function = Display Page = Restart2.tpl 1 = State514 [State514] Function = Display Page = prog10.tpl, RefreshInstallPath [RefreshInstallPath] Function = ReadModemName True = RefreshInstallPath2, (RefreshInstallPath=true) ReadModemName [RefreshInstallPath2] Function = CDReady True = State504, (RefreshInstallPath2=true) CDReady False = State502c, (RefreshInstallPath2=false) CD Not ready [State502c] Function = Display Page = cdnotrdy.tpl 1 = CloseApplication 2 = RefreshInstallPath [State504] Function = DeleteTelephonIni True = State505, (state504) Delete telephon.ini [State505] Function = ExecuteTapiIni True = State515, (state505) Rebuild telephon.ini [State515] Function = IsInstallFailedFlagSet False = State506, (State515=true) InstallFailedFlag not set True = State508, (State515=false) InstallFailedFlag is set [State506] Function = ReinstallModem True = State507, (state506=true) Reinstall modem driver is complete False = State508, (state506=false) Reinstall modem is not finished [State507] Function = SetInstallFlag True = State516, (State507) Set the Install Flag [State516] Function = LookForLastKey True = ScanPCIDevices, (State517=true) Last Key found False = State508, (State517=false) Last Key Not Found [State508] Function = Display Page = RC53.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code Reinstall Failed ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 10 - Reinstall Reboot # [State510] Function = WriteModemName True = State517, Writing Name to temp file [State517] Function = OsTypeIs98 True = State521, (State517=true) Windows 98 OS False = State518, (State517=false) Not Windows 98 OS [State521] Function = Display Page = UnstRb98.tpl 2 = State512 [State518] Function = OsTypeIsME True = State522, (State518=true) Windows ME OS False = State519, (State518=false) Not Windows ME OS [State522] Function = Display Page = UnstRbME.tpl 2 = State512 [State519] Function = OsTypeIs2K True = State523, (State519=true) Windows 2000 OS False = State520, (State519=false) Not Windows 2000 OS [State523] Function = Display Page = UnstRb2K.tpl 2 = State512 [State520] Function = OsTypeIsXP True = State524, (State520=true) Windows XP OS False = RC09, (State520=false) Not Windows XP OS [State524] Function = Display Page = UnstRb2K.tpl 2 = State512 [State512] Function = SetRunModeForReboot True = State512a [State512a] Function = RebootAfterUninstall ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 11 - Check Com Port # [CheckPort] Function = CheckPort True = CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot, (stateTestPort=true) COM Port Responds False = TestTapi, (stateTestPort=false) COM Port does not respond [CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot True = PortPassAfterReboot, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot=True) COM Port Pass after reboot False = CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterHWReboot, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot=False) First time COM Port Check Pass [CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterHWReboot] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot True = PortPassAfterReboot, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterHWReboot=true) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot False = CheckDialTone, (CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterHWReboot=false) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot [PortPassAfterReboot] Function = Display Page = RC81.tpl [TestTapi] Function = CheckModemRegisteredWithTapi True = RASRunning, (stateTestTapi=true) Check TAPI passed False = Reinstall, (stateTestTapi=false) Check TAPI failed, Reinstall [RASRunning] Function = RemoteAccessServiceIsRunning True = StopRAS, (AdvancedComPortTesting1=true) Remote Access Server is running False = CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterComPortReboot, (AdvancedComPortTesting1=false) Remote Access Server is not running [StopRAS] Function = StopRemoteAccessService True = RetestPortafterRASStopped, (StopRemoteAccessService=true) Remote Access Server Stopped False = CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterComPortReboot, (StopRemoteAccessService=false) Remote Access Server Not Stopped! [RetestPortafterRASStopped] Function = CheckPort True = PassAfterRASStop_ComRebootCheck, (stateTestPort=true) COM Port Responds after stopping Remote Access Service False = CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterComPortReboot, (stateTestPort=false) COM Port still does not respond after stopping Remote Access Service [PassAfterRASStop_ComRebootCheck] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot True = RestartRASAfterreboot, (PassAfterRASStop_ComRebootCheck=True) COM Port Pass after reboot False = PassAfterRASStop_HardwareRebootCheck, (PassAfterRASStop_ComRebootCheck=False) First time COM Port Check Pass [PassAfterRASStop_HardwareRebootCheck] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot True = RestartRASAfterreboot, (PassAfterRASStop_HardwareRebootCheck=True) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot False = CheckDialTone, (PassAfterRASStop_HardwareRebootCheck=False) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot [RestartRASAfterreboot] Function = RestartRemoteAccessService True = PortPassAfterReboot, (RestartRASAfterreboot=True) Remote Access Service Restarted False = PortPassAfterReboot, (RestartRASAfterreboot=False) Remote Access Service NOT Restarted! [RestartRemoteAccessService] Function = RestartRemoteAccessService True = CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot, (RestartRemoteAccessService=True) Remote Access Service restarted False = CheckToSeeIfTestingAfterComPortReboot, (RestartRemoteAccessService=TFalse) Remote Access Service NOT restarted! [CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterComPortReboot] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterComPortReboot True = State704, (FailAgainAfterComPortReboot=true) Failed again after Com Port Reboot False = CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterHardwareReboot, (FailAgainAfterComPortReboot=false) First Fail [CheckToSeeIfFailingAfterHardwareReboot] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot True = RestartRASAfterHWreboot, (FailAgainAfterHWReboot=true) Failed again after Hardware Reboot False = AdvancedComPortTesting1, (FailAgainAfterHWReboot=false) First Fail [RestartRASAfterHWreboot] Function = RestartRemoteAccessService True = RC85, (RestartRASAfterreboot=True) Remote Access Service Restarted False = RC85, (RestartRASAfterreboot=False) Remote Access Service NOT Restarted! ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 12 - Advanced Com Port Testing # [AdvancedComPortTesting1] Function = IsDUNConnection True = RC68, (stateCheckPort=true) Active Dial Up Networking session False = RC67, (stateCheckPort=false) No DUN connection detected [RC67] Function = Display Page = RC67.tpl 1 = RC67def, (stateRC67=1) 2 = RestartComputer, (stateRC67=2) Result Code 67 reboot to clear com port conflict 3 = RetryCheckPort, (stateRC67=3) retry check COM port [RC67def] Function = Display Page = RC67def.tpl 1 = RC67, (stateRC671=1) [RetryCheckPort] Function = Display Page = Prog2.tpl, ReRunComPortTest [ReRunComPortTest] Function = CheckPort True = CheckDialTone, (ReRunComPortTest=true) Recheck Com Port Passed False = RC67, (ReRunComPortTest=false) Recheck Com Port Fail [RestartComputer] Function = SetRunOnceModeForReboot True = RestartComputer1 [RestartComputer1] Function = RestartComputer [RC85] Function = Display Page = RC85.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 85 Hardware test passes but still No Com Port access ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 12 - Check Com Port After Reboot # [State704] Function = RunDllHardwareTest True = RestartRASAfterHWreboot, (state704=true) Vendor Hardware test passed False = State705, (state704=false) Vendor Hardware test failed ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 13 - Hardware Fail Reasons # [State705] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterReseat True = RC69, (State705=true) Cannot Hardware after Reseat False = State705a, [State705a] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterUninstall True = RC69, (State705a=true) Cannot test Hardware after Uninstall Reboot False = State705b, [State705b] Function = DllHardwareTestLoadFailed True = RC60, (state705b=true) Hardware test -> DLL not loaded False = State706, (state705b=false) Hardware test -> Vendor's hardware test DLL loaded [State706] Function = DllHardwareTestInitFailed True = RC60, (state706=true) Hardware test -> DLL initialization failed False = State707, (state706=false) Hardware test -> Vendor's DLL test initialized [State707] Function = DllHardwareTestFunctionLoadFailed True = RC60, (state707=true) Hardware test -> No HardwareTest function in DLL False = RC71, (state707=false) Hardware test -> Function returned non-zero value (fail) [RC71] Function = Display Page = RC71.tpl 1 = CloseApplication [RC69] Function = Display Page = RC69.tpl 1 = CloseApplication ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 14 - HardwareDOS # [HardwareDOS] Function = EntryTypeIsEntryAfterHardwareTestReboot True = PCIScan, (HardwareDOS=true) Re-Entry after HW Test Reboot False = CreateFloppy, (HardwareDOS=false) Not Entry after HW Test Reboot [CreateFloppy] Function = Display Page = hdtest.tpl 1 = TestFloppy, (stateHardwareDOS=1) Ask user to insert floppy disk [TestFloppy] Function = IsFloppyInserted True = prog11, (stateTestFloppy=true) Floppy is in drive False = HardwareDOS, (stateTestFloppy=false) Floppy is not in drive [prog11] Function = Display Page = prog11.tpl, CreateDiagnosticDisk [CreateDiagnosticDisk] Function = CreateDiagnosticDisk ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 15 - HWRestart # [HWRestart] Function = Display Page = Restart1.tpl 1 = State902, (StateHWRestart=1) [State902] Function = IsFloppyInserted True = State903, (State902=true) Floppy is inserted False = HWRestart, (State902=false) Floppy is not inserted [State903] Function = Display Page = Prog12.tpl, State905 [State905] Function = ReadHWDOSResults True = ScanPCIDevices, (State905=true) hardware test passed on floppy disk False = RC71, (State905=false) hardware test failed on floppy disk [RC60] Function = Display Page = RC60.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 60 Problems Attempting To Run Hardware Test for Modem 2 = RC60def [RC60def] Function = Display Page = RC60def.tpl 1 = RC60, (stateRC60def=1) ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 16 - CheckDialTone # [CheckDialTone] Function = IsDialToneFailedFlagSet False = IssueATCommand, (stateCheckDialToneFailedFlag=false) Dial Tone failed flag is not set True = RC70, (stateCheckDialToneFailedFlag=true) Dial tone failed flag set [IssueATCommand] Function = IsDialToneDetected True = Finished, (stateIssueATCommand=true) Dial Tone test passed False = SetDialToneFailedFlag, (stateIsueATCommand=false) Dial Tone test failed #False = Hardwaretestfordailtone, (stateIssueATCommand=false) Dial Tone test failed [SetDialToneFailedFlag] Function = SetDialToneFailedFlag True = Hardwaretestfordailtone, (SetDialToneFailedFlag=true) Dial Tone Failed Flag Set [LineConnectionError] Function = Display Page = Line00.tpl 1 = L00def, (stateQueryPhoneAvailable=1) View definitions 2 = Line01, (stateQueryPhoneAvailable=2) No - Phone not available 3 = Line02a, (stateQueryPhoneAvailable=3) Yes - Phone available [L00def] Function = Display Page = L00def.tpl 1 = LineConnectionError, (L00def) back from definitions page [RC70] Function = Display Page = RC70.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 70 No Dial Tone After Line Debugging 2 = RC70def [RC70def] Function = Display Page = RC70def.tpl 1 = RC70, (stateRC70def=1) [Hardwaretestfordailtone] Function = OsTypeIs98SEOrME True = State1704, (Hardwaretestfordailtone=true) 98 or ME Detected False = State1710, (Hardwaretestfordailtone=false) 2k or XP Detected [State1710] Function = UseBdisk True = State1704a, (State1710=true) BDisk Supported Modem found False = State1704, (State1710=false) No BDisk supported modem fou [State1704] Function = RunDllHardwareTest True = State1704a, (state1704=true) Hardware test passed False = State705, (state1704=false) Hardware test failed [State1704a] Function = IsTAPICountryValid True = State1705, (state1704a=true) Country Code Captured False = State1706, (state1704a=false) Country Code Not Captured [State1705] Function = Display Page = VrfyCtry.tpl 1 = LineConnectionError, (State1705=YES) Country set correctly 2 = State1706, (State1705=NO) Country Not set correctly [State1706] Function = Display Page = ChngCtry.tpl 1 = ShowTapi2, (State1706=1) Check TAPI Country Setting 2 = Prog082, (State1706=2) Try Dialtone Test Again [ShowTapi2] Function = DisplayTAPISettings True = State1706 [Prog082] Function = Display Page = Prog8.tpl, RetryATCommand [RetryATCommand] Function = IsDialToneDetected True = Finished, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=true) Dial Tone test passed False = LineConnectionError, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=false) Dial Tone test failed again ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 18 - Line01 and Line02 # [Line01] Function = Display Page = Line01.tpl 1 = L01def, (stateLine01=1) View definitions 2 = Prog08a, (stateLine01=2) Yes - Decided to retry dial tone 3 = RC66, (stateLine01=3) No - Decided not to debug dial tone 4 = ShowTapi, (StateLine01=4) Display Tapi Window [Prog08a] Function = Display Page = Prog8.tpl, IssueATCommandLine01 [IssueATCommandLine01] Function = IsDialToneDetected True = Finished, (stateIssueATCommandLine01=true) Dial Tone test passed after Line01 False = Line01, (stateIssueATCommandLine01=false) Dial Tone test failed again [ShowTapi] Function = DisplayTAPISettings True = Line01 [L01def] Function = Display Page = L01def.tpl 1 = Line01, (stateL01def) View definitions [Prog08] Function = Display Page = Prog8.tpl, IssueATCommandAgain [IssueATCommandAgain] Function = IsDialToneDetected True = Finished, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=true) Dial Tone test passed False = Rc70, (stateIssueATCommandAgain=false) Dial Tone test failed again [Line02a] Function = IsModemIsMDC True = Line02b, (stateLine102A=true) Modem Type is MDC False = Line02, (stateLine102A=false) Modem Type is not MDC [Line02] Function = Display Page = Line02.tpl 1 = L02def, (stateLine02=1) View definitions 2 = Line03, (stateLine02=2) Yes - heard Dial Tone on handset phone 3 = Line04, (stateLine02=3) No - no Dial Tone on handset phone [L02def] Function = Display Page = L02def.tpl 1 = Line02, (stateL02def) Back to Line02 page [Line02b] Function = Display Page = Line02b.tpl 1 = L02bdef, (stateLine02b=1) View definitions 2 = Line03a, (stateLine02b=2) Yes - heard Dial Tone on phone 3 = Line04, (stateLine02b=3) No - no Dial Tone on phone [L02bdef] Function = Display Page = L02bdef.tpl 1 = Line02b, (stateL02bdef) Back to Line02b page ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 19 - Line03 and Line04 # [Line03] Function = Display Page = Line03.tpl 1 = L03def, (stateLine03=1) View definitions 2 = Prog08, (stateLine03=2) Cord reseat; retry Dial Tone test [L03def] Function = Display Page = L03def.tpl 1 = Line03, (stateL03def) back from definitions to line03 page [Line03a] Function = Display Page = Line03a.tpl 1 = L03adef, (stateLine0a=1) View definitions 2 = Prog08, (stateLine03a=2) Cord reseat; retry Dial Tone test [L03adef] Function = Display Page = L03adef.tpl 1 = Line03a, (stateL03adef) back to line3a page from definitions [Line04] Function = Display Page = Line04.tpl 1 = L04def, (stateLine04=1) View definitions 2 = Line03, (stateLine04=2) Yes - Dial Tone after failure 3 = Line05, (stateLine04=3) No - No Dial Tone at wall jack [L04def] Function = Display Page = L04def.tpl 1 = Line04, (stateL04def) back to line4 page from definitions [Line05] Function = Display Page = Line05.tpl 1 = CloseApplication ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 20 - Finished # [Finished] Function = RestartRemoteAccessService True = DisplayFinalPage, (StateFinished=True) Remote Access Service restarted False = DisplayFinalPage, (StateFinished=False) Remote Access Service Not restarted! [DisplayFinalPage] Function = Display Page = Advanced.tpl 1 = Advdef, (stateDisplayFinalPage=1) View definitions 2 = BackupLogFile, (stateDisplayFinalPage=2) All tests passed - normal exit 3 = ViewLog1 [Advdef] Function = Display Page = Advdef.tpl 1 = Finished, (Advdef) Back from definitions [ViewLog1] Function = ViewLogFile Dll = MDMLog True = DisplayFinalPage [BackupLogFile] Function = BackupLogFile Dll = MDMLog True = CloseApplication [CloseApplication] Function = CloseApplication ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart page 21 - Internal Errors # [RC04] Function = Display Page = RC04.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 04 mdm_util.log file is corrupt [RC50] Function = Display Page = RC50.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 50 User is not administrator [RC06] Function = Display Page = RC06.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 06 Windows Com Library Error [RC02] Function = Display Page = RC02.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 02 Browser is not IE4 or Better [RC99] Function = Display Page = RC99.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 99 OS is not supported [RC09] Function = Display Page = RC09.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 09 Invalid mdminfo.inf file 2 = RC09def [RC09def] Function = Display Page = RC09def.tpl 1 = RC09, (stateRC09def=1) ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart - Bad Modem Detection # [RC52] Function = Display Page = RC52.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 52 Non Supported modem detected [RC54] Function = Display Page = RC54.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 54 multiple modems found [RC55] Function = Display Page = RC55.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 54 PCMCIA modem found ################################################################################################## # # ModemHelper SG FlowChart - Error Pages # [RC56] Function = Display Page = RC56.tpl 1 = RC561, (stateRC56=1) 2 = CloseApplication, Result Code 56 auto-repair declined [RC57] Function = Display Page = RC57.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 57 multiple modems found after reinstall [RC561] Function = Display Page = RC56def.tpl 1 = RC56, (stateRC561=1) back to rc56 page from definitions [RC62] Function = Display Page = RC62.tpl 1 = RC621, Result Code 62 modem reseat needed 2 = RC620, (stateRC62=2) [RC620] Function = Display Page = RC62def.tpl 1 = RC62, (stateRC620=1) [RC621] Function = SetRunModeForReboot True = RC621a [RC621a] Function = ShutdownComputer [RC63] Function = Display Page = RC63.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 63 HW Reseat [RC66] Function = Display Page = RC66.tpl 1 = CloseApplication, Result Code 66 Did not verify good wall jack and cord with a handset 2 = RC66def [RC66def] Function = Display Page = RC66def.tpl 1 = RC66, (stateRC66def=1) [RC68] Function = Display Page = RC68.tpl 1 = RC68def, (stateRC68=1) 2 = CloseApplication, Result Code 68 Dial Up Networking is active [RC68def] Function = Display Page = RC68def.tpl 1 = RC68, (stateRC680=1) ##################################################################################################Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.