basfrcfg.txt Driver File Contents (R53655.EXE)

'// *************************************************************************************
'// Copyright (c) 2002 Broadcom Corporation.
'// File:  BASFRCfg.vbs 
'// Description:
'//       BASFRCfg.vbs is a windows script that allows users to configure ASF on
'//       Broadcom adapter remotely.  It requires Windows WMI and Broadcom CIM
'//       provider.
'// Usage:
'//       cscript.exe BASFRCfg.vbs  [options]
'//	           [-enableasf:true|false]     -  Enable/disable ASF
'//	           [-h:]                       -  Display this help
'//	           [-hbintvl:<interval>]       -  Set heart beat interval between
'//	                                          0 and 600 in second
'//	           [-mgmtip:<mgmtip>]          -  Set IP address of management console
'//	           [-user:<username> [-password:<password>]]  -  Username and password
'//	           [-petintvl:<interval>]      -  Set PET retransmit interval between
'//	                                          1 and 29 in second
'//	           [-pollintvl:<interval>]     -  Set legacy device poll interval between
'//	                                          0 and 255 in second
'//	           [-servername:<name>]        -  System name that you are going to connect
'//	           [-sethb:true|false]         -  Enable/disable heart beat
'//	           [-setrmcp:true|false]       -  Enable/disable RMCP
'//	           [-setwol:true|false]        -  Enable/disable ASF WoL on ARP/RMCP
'//	           [-snmpcom:<name>]           -  Set SNMP community name.  The SNMP name 
'//                                           length limits to 19 characters.
'// Programmer:
'//        Daniel Tran
'// Version History:
'//        3.02  -  Supports SNMP community name up to 19 characters (08/23/02)
'//        3.01  -  Fixed username and password issues (08/22/02)
'//        3.00  -  Supports SNMP community name (08/21/02)
'//        1.01  -  First release (07/19/02)
'// *************************************************************************************

Option Explicit

Dim strNameSpace
Dim strClassName
Dim strAdapterInstanceName
Dim objInstance
Dim ObjServices
Dim ObjLocator
Dim method
Dim inParam 
Dim outParam 

Dim strServerName
Dim strUserName
Dim strPassword
Dim strSNMPCom

Dim intPropEnableASFValue
Dim strPropDestinationIPValue
Dim intPropPetIntervalValue
Dim intPropPollIntervalValue
Dim intPropHBEnableValue
Dim intPropHBIntervalValue
Dim intPropRMCPEnableValue
Dim intPropWoLEnableValue

If (LCase(Right(WScript.FullName, 11)) = "wscript.exe" ) Then
	Call Usage()
End If
If (WScript.Arguments.Count = 0) Then
	Call Usage()
End If

strNameSpace = "root/cimv2"
strClassName = "BRCM_ASFOOBAlertService"
strAdapterInstanceName = "[0008] Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet #5"
strServerName = "localhost"

Dim i
for i = 0 to WScript.Arguments.Count-1

	if Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 11) = "-enableasf:" then
		if LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 12)) = "true" then
			intPropEnableASFValue = 1
		elseif LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 12)) = "false" then
			intPropEnableASFValue = 0
			Call Usage()
		end if		
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 6) = "-user:" then
		strUserName = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 7)
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 10) = "-password:" then
		if (strUserName <> "") then
			strPassword = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 11)
			Call Usage()
		end if
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 12) = "-servername:" then
		strServerName = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 13)
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 7) = "-sethb:" then
		if LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 8)) = "true" then
			intPropHBEnableValue = 1
		elseif LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 8)) = "false" then
			intPropHBEnableValue = 0
			Call Usage()
		end if
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 9) = "-hbintvl:" then
		intPropHBIntervalValue = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 10)
		if (intPropHBIntervalValue < 0) or (intPropHBIntervalValue > 600) then
			WScript.Echo "Heartbeat interval value is out of range." 
			WScript.Echo VBCRLF
			Call Usage()
		end if		
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 8) = "-mgmtip:" then
		strPropDestinationIPValue = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 9)
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 10) = "-petintvl:" then
		intPropPetIntervalValue = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 11)
		if (intPropPetIntervalValue < 1) or (intPropPetIntervalValue > 29) then
			WScript.Echo "PET interval value is out of range." 
			WScript.Echo VBCRLF
			Call Usage()
		end if
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 11) = "-pollintvl:" then
		intPropPollIntervalValue = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 12)
		if (intPropPollIntervalValue < 0) or (intPropPollIntervalValue > 255) then
			WScript.Echo "Poll interval value is out of range." 
			WScript.Echo VBCRLF
			Call Usage()
		end if
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 9) = "-setrmcp:" then
		if LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 10)) = "true" then
			intPropRMCPEnableValue = 1
		elseif LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 10)) = "false" then
			intPropRMCPEnableValue = 0
			Call Usage()
		end if
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 8) = "-setwol:" then
		if LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 9)) = "true" then
			intPropWoLEnableValue = 1
		elseif LCase(Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 9)) = "false" then
			intPropWoLEnableValue = 0
			Call Usage()
		end if
	elseif Left(LCase(WScript.Arguments(i)), 9) = "-snmpcom:" then
		strSNMPCom = Mid(WScript.Arguments(i), 10)

		if (Len(strSNMPCom) > 19) then
			WScript.Echo "SNMP community name is out of range."
			Call Usage()
		end if

		strSNMPCom = strSNMPCom & Null
		Call Usage()
	end if

Set ObjLocator = CreateObject("Wbemscripting.SWbemLocator")
Set ObjServices = ObjLocator.ConnectServer( strServerName, strNameSpace, strUserName, strPassword)
If (IsObject(ObjServices) = FALSE) Then
	WScript.Echo Err.Description
End If
ObjServices.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = 3  'impersonate
ObjServices.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = 4 'connect
Set objInstance = ObjServices.Get(strClassName & ".Name=" & Chr(34) & strAdapterInstanceName & Chr(34))
If (IsObject(ObjInstance) = FALSE) Then
	WScript.Echo Err.Description
End If

if intPropEnableASFValue <> "" then
	if intPropEnableASFValue = 1 then
		Set method = objInstance.Methods_("EnableASF")
		Set inParam = method.InParameters.SpawnInstance_()	
		Set outParam = objInstance.ExecMethod_("EnableASF", inParam)
		If (outParam.ReturnValue <> 0) Then
			Select Case outParam.ReturnValue
				Case 2
					WScript.Echo "Enable ASF."
				Case 3
					WScript.Echo "Other software is accessing the adapter. Try again later."
				Case 4
					WScript.Echo "System does not support ASF."
				Case 5
					WScript.Echo "ASF can not be started because ASF had enabled on other adapter."
				Case 6
					WScript.Echo "ASF failed to start."
			End Select
		End If
	end if
	if intPropEnableASFValue = 0 then
		WScript.Echo "Disable ASF" & VBCRLF
		If Err.Number <> 0 Then
			WScript.Echo "Setting ASF failed."
			WScript.Echo Err.Description
			WScript.Echo "Current ASF setting of " & strAdapterInstanceName & ":" & VBCRLF
			WScript.Echo "     ASF is disabled"
		End If		
	end if	
end if

if intPropHBEnableValue <> "" then
	if intPropHBEnableValue = 1 then
		objInstance.EnableHeartBeat = "true"
		WScript.Echo "Enable Heartbeat"
	end if
	if intPropHBEnableValue = 0 then
		objInstance.EnableHeartBeat = "false"
		WScript.Echo "Disable Heartbeat"
	end if	
end if

if intPropHBIntervalValue <> ""  then
	objInstance.HeartBeatTimeValue = intPropHBIntervalValue
	WScript.Echo "Set Heartbeat interval to " & intPropHBIntervalValue
end if

if strPropDestinationIPValue <> "" then
	objInstance.DestinationAddress = strPropDestinationIPValue
	WScript.Echo "Set Management IP to " & strPropDestinationIPValue
end if

if intPropPetIntervalValue <> "" then
	objInstance.RetryInterval = intPropPetIntervalValue
	WScript.Echo "Set PET interval to " & intPropPetIntervalValue
end if

if intPropPollIntervalValue <> "" then
	objInstance.LegacyPollTimeValue = intPropPollIntervalValue
	WScript.Echo "Set Poll interval to " & intPropPollIntervalValue
end if

if intPropRMCPEnableValue <> "" then
	if intPropRMCPEnableValue = 1 then
		objInstance.EnableRMCP = "true"
		WScript.Echo "Enable RMCP"
	end if
	if intPropRMCPEnableValue = 0 then
		objInstance.EnableRMCP = "false"
		WScript.Echo "Disable RMCP"
	end if	
end if

if strSNMPCom <> "" then
	objInstance.SNMPCommunityName = strSNMPCom
	WScript.Echo "Set SNMP community name:  " & strSNMPCom
end if

if intPropWoLEnableValue <> "" then
	if intPropWoLEnableValue = 1 then
		objInstance.EnableASFWoL = "true"
		WScript.Echo "Enable WoL"
	end if
	if intPropWoLEnableValue = 0 then
		objInstance.EnableASFWoL = "false"
		WScript.Echo "Disable WoL"
	end if	
end if


If Err.Number <> 0 Then
	WScript.Echo VBCRLF
	WScript.Echo "Setting ASF failed."
	WScript.Echo Err.Description
	Call GetASF()
End If

Sub GetASF()
	WScript.Echo VBCRLF
	If objInstance.Started = true Then
		WScript.Echo "Current ASF setting of " & strAdapterInstanceName & ":" & VBCRLF
		WScript.Echo "     ASF Enabled:                  " & objInstance.Started
		WScript.Echo "     ASF Heartbeat Enabled:        " & objInstance.EnableHeartBeat
		WScript.Echo "     ASF Heartbeat Interval:       " & objInstance.HeartBeatTimeValue
		WScript.Echo "     ASF Mangement Console IP:     " & objInstance.DestinationAddress
		WScript.Echo "     ASF PET Interval:             " & objInstance.RetryInterval
		WScript.Echo "     ASF Poll Interval:            " & objInstance.LegacyPollTimeValue
		WScript.Echo "     ASF RMCP Enabled:             " & objInstance.EnableRMCP
		WScript.Echo "     ASF SNMP Community Name:      " & objInstance.SNMPCommunityName
		WScript.Echo "     ASF WoL Enabled:              " & objInstance.EnableASFWoL
	End If

	If Err.Number <> 0 Then
		WScript.Echo "Setting ASF failed."
	End If
End Sub

Sub Usage()
	Dim strMessage
	strMessage = "cscript.exe BASFRCfg.vbs  [options]" & VBCRLF & VBCRLF & _ 
	 "     [-enableasf:true|false]     -  Enable/disable ASF" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-h:]                       -  Display this help" & VBCRLF & _ 
	 "     [-hbintvl:<interval>]       -  Set heart beat interval between" & VBCRLF & _
	 "                                    0 and 600 in second" & VBCRLF & _ 
	 "     [-mgmtip:<mgmtip>]          -  Set IP address of management console" & VBCRLF & _ 
	 "     [-user:<username> [-password:<password>]]  -  Username and password" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-petintvl:<interval>]      -  Set PET retransmit interval between" & VBCRLF & _
	 "                                    1 and 29 in second" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-pollintvl:<interval>]     -  Set legacy device poll interval between" & VBCRLF & _
	 "                                    0 and 255 in second" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-servername:<name>]        -  System name that you are going to connect" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-sethb:true|false]         -  Enable/disable heart beat" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-setrmcp:true|false]       -  Enable/disable RMCP" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-setwol:true|false]        -  Enable/disable ASF WoL on ARP/RMCP" & VBCRLF & _
	 "     [-snmpcom:<name>]           -  Set SNMP community name.  The SNMP name" & VBCRLF & _
	 "                                    length limits to 19 characters."
	WScript.Echo strMessage
End Sub
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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