Readme.txt Driver File Contents (

*                                                                         *
*                                GoFlight GFKeys                          *
*            Key mapping software for the GF-AC Cockpit Control System    *
*                            Software Release 1.2                         *
*                                                                         *
*                  Release Notes and General Information                  *
*                           September 28, 2006                            *
*            Copyright © GoFlight, Inc.  All rights reserved.             *
*                                                                         *


Welcome to Release 1.0 of the GoFlight Key Mapper application program, also
known as "GFKeys."  This release of GFKeys is designed to work with the
following GoFlight products:

    - GF-45 Avionics Simulation Unit
    - GF-45PM Display Panel Module
    - GF-P8 8 Pushbutton/Indicator Module
    - GF-T8 8 Toggle Switch/Indicator Module
    - GF-LGT Landing Gear and Trim control Module
    - GF-RP48 Rotary/Pushbutton Module
    - GF-MCP Advanced Autopilot Module
    - GF-EFIS Control Module
Please note that the GF-46, GF-166, GF-TQ6, GF-MCP Pro, and GF-ATC modules
are not supported in this release.

The purpose of GFKeys is to allow you to use your GoFlight hardware with
any of your favorite games or other software applications.  You can set
up custom "key maps" for your GoFlight modules so that any time you
push a button, flip a switch or lever, or twist a knob on a GoFlight
module, GFKeys translates the action into virtual "keystrokes" that can
are received and processed by your game just as if you pressed those keys
on a keyboard.

When used with games, GFKeys lets you create customized key maps for all
of your favorite titles so that whenever you play, your GoFlight hardware
can be used for superior control of the game.


GFKeys features include the following:

 * Support for most GoFlight cockpit control modules including GF-45, GF-45PM,
   GF-P8, GF-T8, GF-LGT, GF-RP48, GF-MCP and GF-EFIS
 * Intuitive user interface showing graphical images of the keys and key
   sequences being assigned
 * A description of each and every control action can be entered
 * Complex multi-key and combination key sequences can be generated
 * Adjustable key output speed
 * Option for automatic program launch at system boot time
 * Tray menu allows key mapping to be conveniently turned on and off
 * Sample key maps for popular games are included
 * Text-based configuration files can include comments for authorship,
   usage notes backup configurations, or other purposes

OS Compatibility

GFKeys is compatible with Microsoft Windows 98 and 98SE, Windows Me,
Windows 2000, and Windows XP operating systems.

GoFlight products (including GFKeys software) are not compatible with
older versions of Microsoft Windows such as 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT
3.x/4.x or MS-DOS, as none of these operating systems contain native
hardware support for USB devices.

GFKeys is not currently compatible with 64-bit Windows XP.

How to Install

To install this release of the GoFlight Key Mapper, simply run the 
self-extracting installer program named "Setup.exe". Follow the prompts
presented by the Setup program to complete installation.

If you are installing this software on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP
system, you will receive a warning message during the installation,
reporting that the GoFlight Virtual HID Keyboard Driver being installed
is "unsigned."  This message is displayed by Windows to inform you
whenever a device driver being installed has not been officially tested
and approved by Microsoft for use with the Windows operating system.
You are then given the choice whether or not to continue installing the
driver, or to proceed without installing the driver.  In order to use
the GoFlight key mapper successfully, you must continue with
installation.  However, you do have the option to stop the installation
at this point, 

If you have a system running Windows 98 or Windows Me, make sure that
you restart your system after installation.  The key mapper driver for
Windows 98 and Windows Me is loaded during system boot and will not
function until you restart your system.  This is only necessary the
first time after you install this release of software. 

Known Issues in This Release

The following is a list of known issues for this release of

1.  If the software is uninstalled while the application is running,
    the uninstallation will not remove the GFKeys.exe file or the folder
    that it was installed in.  For a completely clean uninstall, make
    sure that GFKeys is not running at the time you uninstall.

2.  When installing on Windows 98, 98SE or Windows Me, you must restart
    your system once after installation before key mapping will function.
    This is due to the manner in which these versions of Windows load
    their drivers.  Restarting is only required the first time after
    you install this release of software.

    When installing on Windows 2000 or XP systems, unless you restart
    after first install, your system may crash.  This is a known bug
    associated with first-time installation of the low level key
    mapper driver.

3.  Adding or removing GoFlight devices while GFKeys is running may
    cause unpredictable behavior of your system.  We recommend that
    you do not make connection changes while GFKeys is running.

Using GFKeys

Before running GFKeys, make sure that all of your GoFlight modules are
connected to your computer.

(1) The program is started by clicking:

    Start->Programs->GoFlight Key Mapper->GFKeys .

(2) The first time you run GFKeys, the configuration panel
    will appear.  The configuration panel is used to create and
    edit key map files.  The general layout of the configuration panel
    is as follows:

  | <keymap> - GFKeys                                                 X |
  | File  Options  Help                                                 X |
  | +-Device List---+  +-<device> Controls-+ +-Input Options------------+ |
  | |               |  |                   | | Description              | |
  | | < device 1 >  |  | < button >        | | +----------------------+ | |
  | | < device 2 >  |  | < switch >        | | |<text description ...>| | |
  | |    etc ...    |  | < knob >          | | +----------------------+ | |
  | |               |  | < lever >         | | +-Key Sequence---------+ | |
  | |               |  |   etc ...         | | |<key graphics ...>    | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | |                      | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | |                      | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | +----------------------| | |
  | |               |  |                   | |                          | |
  | |               |  |                   | | +-Control Action-------+ | |
  | |               |  |                   | | |<button press>        | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | |<switch up>           | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | |<knob turn CCW>       | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | |   etc ...            | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | |                      | | |
  | |               |  |                   | | +----------------------+ | |
  | +---------------+  +-------------------+ +--------------------------+ |
    * The currently-loaded and active key map is shown in the title bar.

    * All detected GoFlight modules are listed in the Device List.  One
      GoFlight module is selected at all times.

    * The controls available on the selected GoFlight module are each
      represented in the <device> Controls section by a radio button.
      One of these controls is selected at all times.

    * Control actions associated with the selected control are represented
      in the Control Action Section, each with a radio button.  One control
      action is selected at all times.

    * The Key Sequence area on the panel is used to display, set, and
      clear the key sequence associated with the selected device, control,
      and control action.  The Set Keys checkbox is used to instruct the
      panel to detect key presses and display their representations as
      key sequence icons.  For easy navigation of the panel using the 
      keyboard, this checkbox may be cleared.  Activating the Clear
      Keys button will erase any key sequence icons being displayed and
      effectively remove any key mapping for the selected device, control,
      and control action.

(3) To assign key output to the controls on a GoFlight module, 
    select a device from the Device List.  The panel will then
    update its layout to display the available controls and control actions.
    As an example, the GF-LGT Landing Gear and Trim Control Module has three
    physical controls controls: a trim wheel, a gear Lever, and a three-
    position flaps switch.  For each of these controls, a different set of
    actions is selectable from the "Action" box below the key
    sequence display.  As you select each control, the options in the Action
    box will change to reflect the control you have selected.

(4) Select a radio button corresponding to the control and
    action that you wish to assign a key sequence to.  For
    example, on a GF-T8 switch module, you could select "Switch 2"
    as the control, and "Switch Up" as the control action.

(5) To save the key assignments you have made, select the "Save"
    or "Save As" options from the File menu.  You can use the 
    File dialogs to navigate to different folders or create new
    folders if you wish.  GFKeys remembers the last folder
    where you saved a key map, and uses this folder as its new
    working folder.

(6) The Options menu contains settings for the following:

    * Starting GFKeys automatically when your system boots.  When this
      option is checked, GFKeys will run automatically every time you
      start up your system.

    * Minimizing the GFKeys configuration panel when first started.  When
      this option is checked, the configuration panel will not be displayed
      until you select the Show Config Panel option in the GFKeys tray menu.

    * Displaying the full path of the active key map. When this option
      is checked, the complete path to the active key map is displayed in
      the title bar.  When unchecked, only the name of the file is displayed.

(7) You can control when key mapping is enabled by using the menu selections
    available from the GFKeys system tray menu.  This menu is accessed from
    the notification area in the Windows taskbar.  Left click on the GFKeys
    icon, which is displayed as a keyboard key with an airplane on top of it.          Select the "Enable Key Mapping" when you are ready to play your game. At
    times when you don't need key mapping, simply select "Disable Key
    Mapping" and allow GFKeys to continue running.

(8) Key mapping is automatically disabled any time the configuration panel
    is visible on the screen.  To hide the configuration panel and enable
    key mapping, click the 'X' button in the top right corner of the 
    configuration panel window.

(9) To stop GFKeys from running, select "Quit GFKeys" from the config panel's
    File menu or from the GFKeys system tray menu.

Initial Checkout using the Notetest.gfk sample Key Map

To help familiarize you with GFKeys operation, a sample key map file
called NoteTest.gfk is included.  This file contains key mappings for
the following devices, controls, and control actions:

Device          Control/Action       Key Sequence
-------------   --------------       ----------------------------
GF-P8 Unit #1   Button 1 Press       p 8 1 p [Enter]
                Button 1 Release     p 8 1 r [Enter]
                Button 2 Press       p 8 2 p [Enter]
                Button 2 Release     p 8 2 r [Enter]
                Button 3 Press       p 8 3 p [Enter]
                Button 3 Release     p 8 3 r [Enter]
                Button 4 Press       p 8 4 p [Enter]
                Button 4 Release     p 8 4 r [Enter]

GF-T8 Unit #1   Switch 1 Up          t 8 1 u [Enter]
                Switch 1 Down        t 8 1 d [Enter]
                Switch 2 Up          t 8 2 u [Enter]
                Switch 2 Down        t 8 2 d [Enter]
                Switch 3 Up          t 8 3 u [Enter]
                Switch 3 Down        t 8 3 d [Enter]
                Switch 4 Up          t 8 4 u [Enter]
                Switch 4 Down        t 8 4 d [Enter]

GF-MCP Unit #1  NAV Button Press     N A V [Space] H O L D
                NAV Button Release   [Enter]
                HDG Button Press     H D G [Space] H O L D  
                HDG Button Release   [Enter]
                SPD Button Press     S P D [Space] H O L D  
                SPD Button Release   [Enter]
                SEL Button Press     S E L  
                SEL Button Release   [Enter]
                ALT Button Press     A L T [Space] H O L D  
                ALT Button Release   [Enter]
                APPR Button Press    H D G [Space] H O L D  
                APPR Button Release  [Enter]
                B/C Button Press     B / c [Space] H O L D  
                B/C Button Release   [Enter]
                A/P Button Press     A / P [Space] C M D  
                A/P Button Release   [Enter]
                CRS Knob CCW         C R S [Space] D E C [Enter]         
                CRS Knob CW          C R S [Space] I N C [Enter]         
                HDG Knob CCW         H D G [Space] D E C [Enter]         
                HDG Knob CW          H D G [Space] I N C [Enter]         
                SPD Knob CCW         S P D [Space] D E C [Enter]         
                SPD Knob CW          S P D [Space] I N C [Enter]         
                V/S Wheel Up         V / S [Space] D E C [Enter]         
                V/S Wheel Down       V / S [Space] I N C [Enter]         
                ALT Knob CCW         A L T [Space] D E C [Enter]         
                ALT Knob CW          A L T [Space] I N C [Enter]         

To try out this sample map, do the following:

1. Make sure that GFKeys is running.  With the configuration panel
   displayed, click the Close 'X' box to hide the panel.  From the GFKeys
   system tray menu, select "Enable Key Mapping".

2. Start up the Windows Notepad program, and click inside the Notepad
   window so that it has application focus.

3. Move each of the controls listed in the table above.

4. Watch the Notepad window, and verify that you see the characters listed
   in the Key Sequence column for each of the control/action pairs in the
   table above.

If you have feedback regarding this software or any
other GoFlight-related issue, please contact us as follows:

Telephone: 503-207-5517

*** End of File: README.TXT ***
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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