d1875.ini Driver File Contents (M1400-SigmaTelAudio.zip)

# Generated by UJ Circuit Analyzer
# Friday, January 16, 2004 - 10:00:54 AM
# StacSrv version 4198
# Driver version 4198
PCI\VEN_1039&DEV_7012&SUBSYS_105E1734 = this


HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio=Yes
HKU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio=Yes
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel C-Major Audio=Yes
HKU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel C-Major Audio=Yes


TinyUJ2                   = No
SSWiz                     = Yes
StacSysTray               = Yes
StacIt                    = Yes
PassThru                  = YesInvisible


RegistryVersionNum        = dword: 0x1
PollingPeriod             = dword: 333
JSOscFreq                 = dword: 16000
DockSupport               = dword: 0
PolicyHPMuteSpkrs         = dword: 0x1FF
DisableAnalogMixer        = dword: 1
NumSpkrSetups             = dword: 0x4


JackColor                 = dword: 10		;Pink
JackLocation              = dword: 0		;Rear Panel
JackPanelOrder            = dword: 1		; 0
ParentCodecIndex          = dword: 0		;0
PinIndex                  = dword: 5		;Pins21/22
MicBias                   = dword: 2		;Mic Bias GPIO = GPIO 2
MicBiasMode               = dword: 0		;Normal
MicBiasPolarity           = dword: 0		;False
DefaultSpeakerMode        = dword: 6		;jsCenterLFE
PinConfiguration          = dword: 1
GpioSwitch                = dword: 3		;JackSwitch GPIO = GPIO 3
GpioMux                   = dword: -1		;No GPIO Crosspoint Mux
GPIOInverted              = dword: 0
SupportedDevices          = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
Notify                    = dword: 0x1		; - jsNone
AutoConfigure             = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
AutoConfigSupport         = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
JSAlgorithm               = dword: 1		;jsaGood
JSReadingsTotal           = dword: 30		;30
JSReadingsGood            = dword: 5		;5
DaisyChain                = dword: -1		;No Daisy Chain
OutputCapSize             = dword: 2		;3.3 Ceramic
DirectConnect             = dword: 1		;True
FiveOhmResistorPresent    = dword: 0		;False
HasIntelFrontPanelHeader  = dword: 0		;False
ImpedanceGtrThan16k       = dword: 1		;True
IsDeviceSupported         = dword: 0		;False
IsolatedSwitch            = dword: 0		;False
NotCrossconnected         = dword: 1		;True
SameCapOnBothChannels     = dword: 1		;True


JackColor                 = dword: 6		;Blue
JackLocation              = dword: 0		;Rear Panel
JackPanelOrder            = dword: 2		; 1
ParentCodecIndex          = dword: 0		;0
PinIndex                  = dword: 7		;Pins23/24
MicBias                   = dword: -1		;Mic Bias GPIO = gpioUnassociated
MicBiasMode               = dword: 0		;Normal
MicBiasPolarity           = dword: 0		;False
DefaultSpeakerMode        = dword: 5		;jsSurround
PinConfiguration          = dword: 4
GpioSwitch                = dword: 1		;JackSwitch GPIO = GPIO 1
GpioMux                   = dword: -1		;No GPIO Crosspoint Mux
GPIOInverted              = dword: 0
SupportedDevices          = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
Notify                    = dword: 0x1		; - jsNone
AutoConfigure             = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
AutoConfigSupport         = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
JSAlgorithm               = dword: 1		;jsaGood
JSReadingsTotal           = dword: 30		;30
JSReadingsGood            = dword: 5		;5
DaisyChain                = dword: -1		;No Daisy Chain
OutputCapSize             = dword: 2		;3.3 Ceramic
DirectConnect             = dword: 1		;True
FiveOhmResistorPresent    = dword: 0		;False
HasIntelFrontPanelHeader  = dword: 0		;False
ImpedanceGtrThan16k       = dword: 1		;True
IsDeviceSupported         = dword: 0		;False
IsolatedSwitch            = dword: 0		;False
NotCrossconnected         = dword: 1		;True
SameCapOnBothChannels     = dword: 1		;True


JackColor                 = dword: 5		;Green
JackLocation              = dword: 0		;Rear Panel
JackPanelOrder            = dword: 3		; 2
ParentCodecIndex          = dword: 0		;0
PinIndex                  = dword: 0		;Pins35/36
MicBias                   = dword: -1		;Mic Bias GPIO = gpioUnassociated
MicBiasMode               = dword: 0		;Normal
MicBiasPolarity           = dword: 0		;False
DefaultSpeakerMode        = dword: 2		;jsPwrSpkr
PinConfiguration          = dword: 3
GpioSwitch                = dword: 0		;JackSwitch GPIO = GPIO 0
GpioMux                   = dword: -1		;No GPIO Crosspoint Mux
GPIOInverted              = dword: 0
SupportedDevices          = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
Notify                    = dword: 0x1		; - jsNone
AutoConfigure             = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
AutoConfigSupport         = dword: 0x0		; - jsbmAllOff
JSAlgorithm               = dword: 1		;jsaGood
JSReadingsTotal           = dword: 30		;30
JSReadingsGood            = dword: 5		;5
DaisyChain                = dword: -1		;No Daisy Chain
OutputCapSize             = dword: 4		;330 uF
DirectConnect             = dword: 1		;True
FiveOhmResistorPresent    = dword: 0		;False
HasIntelFrontPanelHeader  = dword: 0		;False
ImpedanceGtrThan16k       = dword: 1		;True
IsDeviceSupported         = dword: 0		;False
IsolatedSwitch            = dword: 0		;False
NotCrossconnected         = dword: -1		;True
SameCapOnBothChannels     = dword: 1		;True


JackColor                 = dword: 10		;Pink
JackLocation              = dword: 1		;Front Panel
JackPanelOrder            = dword: 4		; 3
ParentCodecIndex          = dword: 0		;0
PinIndex                  = dword: 6		;Pins16/17
MicBias                   = dword: -1		;Mic Bias GPIO = gpioUnassociated
MicBiasMode               = dword: 0		;Normal
MicBiasPolarity           = dword: 0		;False


MasterVolumeFixedLevel    = dword: 0x0
AuxVolumeFixedLevel       = dword: 0x0
MonoVolumeFixedLevel      = dword: 0x0
PCMVolumeFixedLevel       = dword: 0x808
EmulateAllMasters         = dword: 0x1
DisableMicFromPlayback    = hex: 1
DisableLineInFromPlayback = hex: 1
DisableVideoFromPlayback  = hex: 0
DisablePhoneFromPlayback  = hex: 0
MasterControlsAux         = dword: 0x1
MasterControlsMono        = dword: 0x1
MICBoost30dB              = hex: 0
EnableStereoMic           = hex: 1

# These settings control the values loaded into the AC97 registers by the driver.
# This allows setting the configuration prior to any applets running.

0_76588384_R3E            = hex: 01, 00		; R3E=0x0100
0_76588384_R4C            = hex: 08, 00		; R4C=0x0800
DisableMICSelect          = hex: 1
EnableNonPCMOnWin2K       = hex: 1
EnableVRA                 = hex: 0
MultiChannelDisable       = hex: 0
EnableExtAmpControl       = hex: 0
ExtAmpPowerDownTimeInMCS  = dword: 0x32
ExtAmpPowerUpTimeInMCS    = dword: 0x32
EnableVrefPowerDown       = hex: 0
VrefPowerDownTimeInMS     = dword: 0x0
OverridePowerSupplyVoltageAutoDetect = dword: 0x0
PowerSupplyVoltageIs5V    = dword: 0x0
DisablePeakmeters         = hex: 1
DisableEQ                 = hex: 0
CPL_SaveExtraPower        = dword: 0x0
CPL_SecondsAfter          = dword: 0x1E
CPL_MaySwitchExtAmpPowerState = dword: 0x0
CPL_FixedDigitalOutRate   = dword: 0x0
ConfigurableVolumeMax     = dword: 0x1
MasterOutVolumeMaxVol     = dword: 0x0
HPOutVolumeMaxVol         = dword: 0x0
PhoneVolumeMaxVol         = dword: 0x808
MICVolumeMaxVol           = dword: 0x0
LineInVolumeMaxVol        = dword: 0x808
CDVolumeMaxVol            = dword: 0x808
VideoVolumeMaxVol         = dword: 0x808
AuxVolumeMaxVol           = dword: 0x808
RecGainMinVol             = dword: 0x0
EnablePOPBypass           = hex: 0
EnableSPDIFIn             = hex: 1
SPDIFInSupportVariant     = dword: 0x2
DigitalMasterControlsAnalog = dword: 0x0
EnableLinearVolumes       = hex: 0
BiosInterfaceAddress      = dword: 0x0
BiosInterfaceAddressEnd   = dword: 0x0
EnableSubwooferAtMono     = hex: 0
EnableLevelShiftLock      = hex: 0
EnableAltMicSupport       = hex: 0
Mic1Selector              = dword: 0x1
Mic2Selector              = dword: 0x0
DisablePCBeep             = hex: 1
DisablePhone              = hex: 1
DisableMIC                = hex: 0
DisableLineIn             = hex: 0
DisableCDIn               = hex: 0
DisableVideo              = hex: 0
DisableAux                = hex: 0
Disable3DControl          = hex: 1
DisableStereoVirtual      = hex: 1
DisableMonoVirtual        = hex: 1
DisableStereo2Virtual     = hex: 0
DisableHeadphone          = hex: 1
DisableLnlvl              = hex: 1
DisableWaveIn2            = hex: 1
DisableMonoOut            = hex: 1
DisableSPDIFIn            = hex: 0
DisableSubwooferAtMono    = hex: 1
PCBeepVolume              = dword: 0x0
PCBeepMute                = hex: 1
PhoneVolume               = dword: 0x0
PhoneMute                 = hex: 1
MICSelect                 = dword: 0x0
MICBoost                  = hex: 0
MICMute                   = hex: 1
LineInMute                = hex: 1
CDMute                    = hex: 1
VideoMute                 = hex: 1
AuxMute                   = hex: 1
3DDepthEnable             = dword: 0x1
MasterVolume              = dword: 0x0
MasterMute                = hex: 0
WaveInMux                 = dword: 0x0
MainMixer                 = dword: 0x0
PCBeepMixer               = dword: 0x0
CPL_SpdifTransmitterEnabledByUser = dword: 0x0
WaveOutPeakMeter          = dword: 0x0
RecordPeakMeter           = dword: 0x0
MonoMuteInMasterAdvancedDefault = dword: 0x0
SPDIFInAtRecMuxVolume     = dword: 0x0
SPDIFInVolume             = dword: 0x0
SPDIFInMute               = hex: 0
0_76588384_R4E            = hex: F8, FF		; R4E=0xF8FF
0_76588384_R54            = hex: 00, 00		; R54=0x0000
0_76588384_R64            = hex: 00, D2		; R64=0x00D2
0_76588384_R66            = hex: 01, 02		; R66=0x0102
0_76588384_R68            = hex: 01, 20		; R68=0x0120
0_76588384_R6E            = hex: 40, 90		; R6E=0x4090
0_76588384_R74            = hex: 00, 08		; R74=0x0008
MICAtRecMuxVolume         = hex: 63,D0,13,00
MICVolume                 = hex: 90,56,08,00
CDVolume                  = hex: 89,F5,FF,FF

############### Hand Changes #############################
# Enable new policy

JacksNotConfigurable = dword: 1       ; 1 = no configurable jacks
PolicyMicInsertSelect = dword: 0x7ff

# Set mic priority for rear panel pink jack
lPriority            = dword: 1

# set mic priority for front panel pink jack
lPriority            = dword: 0
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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