[Identification] OptionType = VIDEO [MapOfOptions] "VGA" = "VGA" "COMPAQ AVGA" = "VGA" "8514 MONITOR UNKNOWN" = "VGA" "8514 VGA MONITOR" = "VGA" "8514 8503 MONO" = "VGA" "8514 8514 GAD" = "VGA" "GENOA VGA" = "VGA" "VIDEO7 VGA" = "VGA" "VIDEO7 VGA DRAM" = "VIDEO7 VGA VRAM 640x480x4" "VIDEO7 VGA VRAM" = "VIDEO7 VGA VRAM 640x480x4" "TRIDENT VGA" = "TRIDENT 640x480x4" "TRIDENT VGA 9100" = "TRIDENT 640x480x4" "PARADISE VGA" = "WDVGA 640x480x4" "PARADISE VGA PROM" = "WDVGA 640x480x4" "PARADISE VGA CHIP 1F" = "WDVGA 640x480x4" "ATI VGA" = "VGA" "ATI VGA WONDDER3" = "VGA" "TSENGLAB VGA ET3000" = "VGA" "TSENGLAB VGA ET4000" = "TSENGLAB VGA ET4000 640x480x4x60" "CIRRUS VGA" = "VGA" "CIRRUS VGA 610-620 REVC" = "VGA" "XGA" = "XGA 640x480x8x60" "DELL DGX" = "DELL DGX 640x480x8" "S3 VGA" = "S3 VGA 640x480x8x01" "PRODESIGNER II" = "TSENGLAB VGA ET4000 640x480x4x60" "QVISION VGA" = "QVISION 640x480x8x0" [MiniportDrivers] s3 = !SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER, Video, !SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE, 12, {s3} , 0 , "%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\s3.sys" , 7 [Identify] read-syms Identification set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set Identifier = $(OptionType) set Media = #("Source Media Descriptions", 1, 1) Return $(Status) $(Identifier) $(Media) [ReturnOptions] set Status = STATUS_FAILED set OptionList = {} set OptionTextList = {} set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) goto returnoptions else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_ReturnOptions endif returnoptions = + set OptionList = ^(Options, 0) set OptionTextList = ^(OptionsText$($0), 1) set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_ReturnOptions = + Return $(Status) $(OptionList) $(OptionTextList) [MapToSupportedOption] set Status = STATUS_FAILED set MappedOption = $($0) set OptionList = ^(MapOfOptions, 0) ifcontains $($0) in $(OptionList) set MappedOption = #(MapOfOptions, $($0), 1) else set MappedOption = "VGA" endif set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Return $(Status) $(MappedOption) [ServicesEntry] CurrentEntry = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetDevicemapValue Video \Device\Video0 [InstallOption] set Status = STATUS_FAILED set DrivesToFree = {} set Option = $($1) set SrcDir = $($2) set AddCopy = $($3) set DoCopy = $($4) set DoConfig = $($5) set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1) Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList) else set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE goto finish_InstallOption endif read-syms Strings$($0) set OptionList = ^(Options, 0) ifcontains $(Option) in $(OptionList) else goto finish_InstallOption endif set OptionList = "" set MiniportDriver = #(Options, $(Option), 1) set BitsPerPel = #(Options, $(Option), 2) set XResolution = #(Options, $(Option), 3) set YResolution = #(Options, $(Option), 4) set VRefresh = #(Options, $(Option), 5) set Interlaced = #(Options, $(Option), 6) set Type = $(#(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 1)) set Group = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) set ErrorControl = $(#(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 3)) set Tag = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 4) set InstalledDisplays = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 5) set VgaCompatible = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 6) set EventMessageFile = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 7) set TypesSupported = #(MiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 8) read-syms ServicesEntry detect ServicesEntry installtheoption = + ifstr(i) $(AddCopy) == "YES" set DoActualCopy = NO set FileToCheck = #(Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\drivers\"$(FileToCheck) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO set DoActualCopy = YES goto addfiles endif ForListDo $(InstalledDisplays) set FileToCheck = #(Files-DisplayDLLs, $($), 2) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)"\"$(FileToCheck) ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO set DoActualCopy = YES endif EndForListDo addfiles = + ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == NO shell "subroutn.inf" DriversExist $($0) $(String1) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: shelling DriversExist failed" goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_CURRENT else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_NEW set DoActualCopy = YES else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: User cancelled video installation" goto finish_InstallOption else Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: Error reported in DriversExist routine in SUBROUTN.INF" goto finish_InstallOption endif endif ifstr(i) $(DoActualCopy) == YES shell "subroutn.inf" DoAskSourceEx $(SrcDir) $(String2) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: shelling DoAskSourceEx failed" goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL set SrcDir = $($R1) ifstr(i) $($R2) != "" set DrivesToFree = >($(DrivesToFree), $($R2)) endif else Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: User cancelled asking source." goto finish_InstallOption endif install Install-AddCopyOption ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != "STF_SUCCESS" Debug-Output "VIDEO.INF: Adding video files to copy list failed" goto finish_InstallOption endif else set DoCopy = NO endif endif ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES" read-syms ProgressCopy$($0) install Install-DoCopyOption ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_FAILURE" Debug-Output "Copying files failed" goto finish_InstallOption else-ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_USERQUIT" set Status = STATUS_USERCANCEL goto finish_InstallOption endif endif ifstr(i) $(DoConfig) == "YES" shell "registry.inf" CheckSetupModify ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL goto finish_InstallOption endif set ServiceNode = $(MiniportDriver) set ServiceBinary = %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\#(Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers, $(MiniportDriver), 2) set ServicesValues = { + {Type, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(Type) }, + {Start, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(!SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) }, + {Group, 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), $(Group) }, + {ErrorControl, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(ErrorControl) }, + {Tag, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(Tag) }, + {BinaryPathName, 0, $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $(ServiceBinary) } + } set ParametersValues = { + {InstalledDisplayDrivers, 0, $(!REG_VT_MULTI_SZ), $(InstalledDisplays) }, + {VgaCompatible, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(VgaCompatible) }, + {DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(BitsPerPel) }, + {DefaultSettings.XResolution, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(XResolution) }, + {DefaultSettings.YResolution, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(YResolution) } + } ifstr(i) $(VRefresh) != "" set VRefreshValue = {DefaultSettings.VRefresh, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(VRefresh)} set ParametersValues = >($(ParametersValues), $(VRefreshValue)) endif ifstr(i) $(Interlaced) != "" set InterlacedValue = {DefaultSettings.Interlaced, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(Interlaced)} set ParametersValues = >($(ParametersValues), $(InterlacedValue)) endif set DeviceValues = {} set EventLogValues = { + {EventMessageFile, 0, $(!REG_VT_EXPAND_SZ), $(EventMessageFile) }, + {TypesSupported, 0, $(!REG_VT_DWORD), $(TypesSupported) } + } shell "registry.inf" MakeServicesEntry $(ServiceNode) + $(ServicesValues) + $(ParametersValues) + $(DeviceValues) + $(EventLogValues) + Device0 ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "Couldn't execute MakeServicesEntry in registry.inf" goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "MakeServicesEntry failed for video" goto finish_InstallOption endif ifstr(i) $(CurrentEntry) != $(MiniportDriver) ifstr(i) $(CurrentEntry) != VGA ifstr(i) $(CurrentEntry) != "" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry $(CurrentEntry) $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK) Debug-Output "Couldn't find DisableServicesEntry in registry.inf" goto errorconfig endif ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Debug-Output "DisableServices entry failed" endif endif endif endif goto configdone errorconfig = + ifstr(i) $(CurrentEntry) != $(MiniportDriver) shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry $(MiniportDriver) $(!SERVICE_DISABLED) ifstr(i) $(CurrentEntry) != "" shell "registry.inf" ModifyServicesEntry $(CurrentEntry) $(!SERVICE_SYSTEM_START) endif endif goto finish_InstallOption configdone = + endif set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL finish_InstallOption = + ForListDo $(DrivesToFree) LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), DeleteNetConnection $($) "TRUE" EndForListDo Return $(Status) [Install-AddCopyOption] set STF_VITAL = "" AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers + $(MiniportDriver) + $(SrcDir) + $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers ForListDo $(InstalledDisplays) AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList Files-DisplayDLLs + $($) + $(SrcDir) + $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) EndForListDo exit [Install-DoCopyOption] CopyFilesInCopyList exit [Source Media Descriptions] 1 = "S3 Driver" , TAGFILE = s3triov\nt31\disk1 [Files-DisplayDLLs] s3 = 1,S3.DLL , SIZE=132096 [Files-DisplayMiniportDrivers] s3 = 1,S3.SYS , SIZE=25088 [LanguagesSupported] ENG [OptionsTextENG] "S3 VGA 640x480x8x5255" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 256 colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 640x480x8x50" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 256 colors, CR52-0 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 640x480x8x80" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 256 colors, CR52-0 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 640x480x8x51" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 256 colors, CR52-1 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 640x480x8x61" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 256 colors, CR52-1 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 640x480x8x52" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 256 colors, CR52-2 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 640x480x8x53" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 256 colors, CR52-3 [801,805,928]" "S3 VGA 800x600x8x5255" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 256 colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 800x600x8x50" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 256 colors, CR52-0 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 800x600x8x80" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 256 colors, CR52-0 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 800x600x8x51" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 256 colors, CR52-1 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 800x600x8x52" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 256 colors, CR52-2 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 800x600x8x53" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 256 colors, CR52-3 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x5255" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 256 colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x50" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 256 colors, CR52-0 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x51" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 256 colors, CR52-1 [801,805,928]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x52" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 256 colors, CR52-2 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x53" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 256 colors, CR52-3 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x54" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 256 colors,CR52-4 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x64" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 256 colors,CR52-4 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 1152x864x8x5255" = "S3 2.3 1152x864, 256 colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x5255" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x50" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-0 [801,805,928]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x51" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-1 [801,805,928]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x52" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-2 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x53" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-3 [801,805,928]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x54" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-4 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x64" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-4 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x55" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-5 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x65" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-5 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x56" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-6 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x66" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 256 colors, CR52-6 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 1600x1200x8x5255" = "S3 2.3 1600x1200, 256 colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x5255" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x50" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-0 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x60" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-0 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x70" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-0 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x51" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-1 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x61" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-1 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x71" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-1 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x52" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-2 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 640x480x16x53" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 64K colors, CR52-3 [805i,928]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x5255" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x50" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-0 [928,964]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x60" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-0 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x51" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-1 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x61" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-1 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x71" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-1 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x52" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-2 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x53" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-3 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x63" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-3 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 800x600x16x73" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 64K colors, CR52-3 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x5255" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x50" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-0 [Generic]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x51" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-1 [928]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x52" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-2 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x62" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-2 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x72" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-2 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x53" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-3 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x63" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-3 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x73" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors, CR52-3 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x54" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors,CR52-4 [864,964,868]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x16x64" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 64K colors,CR52-4 [968,764,732]" "S3 VGA 1280x1024x16x5255" = "S3 2.3 1280x1024, 64K colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 1600x1200x16x5255" = "S3 2.3 1600x1200, 64K colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x5255" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x50" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-0 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x60" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-0 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x70" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-0 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x51" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-1 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x61" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-1 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x71" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-1 [764,732]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x52" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-2 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x62" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-2 [868,968,764]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x72" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-2 [732,805i]" "S3 VGA 640x480x32x53" = "S3 2.3 640x480, 16.7M colors, CR52-3 [928]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x5255" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x50" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-0 [928]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x51" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-1 [928,764]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x61" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-1 [868,968]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x52" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-2 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x62" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-2 [868,968,764]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x72" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-2 [805i]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x53" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-3 [928,864,964]" "S3 VGA 800x600x32x63" = "S3 2.3 800x600, 16.7M colors, CR52-3 [868,968,764]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x5255" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 16.7M colors, Default VRefresh" "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x50" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 16.7M colors, CR52-0 [928,964,968]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x51" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 16.7M colors, CR52-1 [928]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x52" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 16.7M colors, CR52-2 [928,964,968]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x53" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 16.7M colors, CR52-3 [928,964,968]" "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x54" = "S3 2.3 1024x768, 16.7M colors, CR52-4 [964,968]" [Options] "S3 VGA 640x480x8x5255" = s3, 8, 640, 480 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x8x50" = s3, 8, 640, 480 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x8x80" = s3, 8, 640, 480 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x8x51" = s3, 8, 640, 480 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x8x61" = s3, 8, 640, 480 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x8x52" = s3, 8, 640, 480 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x8x53" = s3, 8, 640, 480 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x8x5255" = s3, 8, 800, 600 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x8x50" = s3, 8, 800, 600 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x8x80" = s3, 8, 800, 600 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x8x51" = s3, 8, 800, 600 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x8x52" = s3, 8, 800, 600 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x8x53" = s3, 8, 800, 600 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x5255" = s3, 8, 1024, 768 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x50" = s3, 8, 1024, 768 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x51" = s3, 8, 1024, 768 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x52" = s3, 8, 1024, 768 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x53" = s3, 8, 1024, 768 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x54" = s3, 8, 1024, 768 , 4 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x8x64" = s3, 8, 1024, 768 , 4 , 0 "S3 VGA 1152x864x8x5255" = s3, 8, 1152, 864 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x5255" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x50" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x51" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x52" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x53" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x54" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 4 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x64" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 4 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x55" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 5 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x65" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 5 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x56" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 6 , 0 "S3 VGA 1280x1024x8x66" = s3, 8, 1280, 1024 , 6 , 0 "S3 VGA 1600x1200x8x5255" = s3, 8, 1600, 1200 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x5255" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x50" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x60" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x70" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x51" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x61" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x71" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x52" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 640x480x16x53" = s3, 16, 640, 480 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x16x5255" = s3, 16, 800, 600 , 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800, 600 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x32x72" = s3, 32, 800, 600 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x32x53" = s3, 32, 800, 600 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 800x600x32x63" = s3, 32, 800, 600 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x5255" = s3, 32, 1024, 768 , 255 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x50" = s3, 32, 1024, 768 , 0 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x51" = s3, 32, 1024, 768 , 1 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x52" = s3, 32, 1024, 768 , 2 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x53" = s3, 32, 1024, 768 , 3 , 0 "S3 VGA 1024x768x32x54" = s3, 32, 1024, 768 , 4 , 0 [ProgressCopyENG] ProCaption = "Windows NT Setup" ProCancel = "Cancel" ProCancelMsg = "Windows NT is not correcly installed. Are you sure you want "+ "to cancel copying files?" ProCancelCap = "Setup Message" ProText1 = "Copying:" ProText2 = "To:" [StringsENG] String1 = "Display" String2 = "Please enter the full path to the Windows NT Display "+ "driver files. If you want to install files from the "+ "original Setup floppy disks, type a drive letter (such "+ "as A:) and Setup will prompt you for the correct disk. "+ "Then choose Continue."Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.