ReleaseNotes.txt Driver File Contents (

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.75
Fixed MRI 18082 where there were junk characters being displayed in the task bar menu 
options for non-English language menus.
This version uses version 1.72 of ltsermon.sys/lthook.vxd/ltsermn4.sys.

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.73
Fixed MRI 9210 where there was a truncated string in Japanese MoH settings window.
Fixed MRI 9358: Portuguese MoH call history windows Cancel button is blank.
This version uses version 1.72 of ltsermon.sys/lthook.vxd/ltsermn4.sys.

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.72
Fixed MR 6818 where the Disconnect and switch to voice was not working in Venus when 
connected to a V90 server. This problem was fixed by modifying the filter driver 
ltsermon.sys and lthook.vxd. Also fixed an issue where the filter driver was not 
parsing a -ve PMHR  response and a two-digit PMHR response.

Fixed a bug where the MOH progress dialog box was being incorrectly displayed if an 
application moved the toolbar or its own application bar to the top of the screen. 
The progress dialog box would get displayed in a higher position of the screen and 
would creep up with successive displays and finally go off the screen. This was 
noticed while using NetZero

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.71
Bug Fixes/Enhancements

Additional options in ltmoh.ini


This setting will cause a default system sound (ding.wav) to be played when 
there is an incoming call


This setting will cause the application to output debug messages. These
messages can be viewed by using a debugger or a debug message viewer


Added a new section for default "Dial digit after hookflash strings". This is
to be used to set the default digits based on the TAPI country setting. This 
is applicable in some European countries like Ireland,France and Italy where 
the setting is universal. The default setting is set only if there is no
previous setting and will not change if the country is changed. 

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.70
Bug Fixes/Enhancements

Added support for new sub-languages

Chinese - HongKong, same as Chinese - Taiwan
Chinese - Singapore, same as Chinese - PRC
French - Canada, same as French - France
Portuguese - Brazil, same as Portuguese - Portugal

Fixed a bug in mohapi.dll where the dll would crash if the dial after hookflash digit 
string was more than 12 characters.

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.69
Added support for Venus PCI. Fixed bugs in support for Venus PCMCIA. 
Venus PCMCIA will now work even when the PCMCIA card gets non-standard
I/O resources.

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.65
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where if an outgoing call resulted in a MOH denied then the call was 
displayed as an incoming call.MR 4272.
Fixed a bug where the MOH application could be run again if it was already running 
automatically at startup.MR 4477.

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.64
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug with Japan CallerID display for MARS. MR 2830
Fixed bug with Japan CallerID history display for all modems. MR 4244
Fixed bug where a failure to "Place an outgoing call" was resulting in subsequent 
incoming calls were incorrectly labeled as outgoing calls.

New Features:
Added an option in the ltmoh.ini to control QuickConnect in MARS
QuickConnect=Y		;will enable QC
QuickConnect=N		;will disable QC

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.63
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug with Japan CallerID display for SoftModem
Fixed bug with CallerID display in Texas/North Carolina for all modems
Fixed bugs reported by Actiontec for Venus
Modified the Venus filter driver (for NT4/W2K/WXP) to attach to the WDM driver stack.
The driver now uses Read IRPS to access CallerID data and does not access the UART
directly. This fixed issues where CID information was not getting displayed in Venus.

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.62
New features:
Support for a logging feature. This feature can be turned on by a flag in the ltmoh.ini file
Logging=Y will turn on logging. This creates a log file called ltmoh.log in the directory from which 
ltmoh.exe is executed. The log file contains configuration details and activity details. The log file 
will be reset whenever the application is run. The log file is turned off by default.

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.61

New features:

Support for PCMCIA Mars and Venus.

The application provides the user with an option to disconnect the data call and answer 
the incoming voice call if the modem is connected to a V90 server or if the V92 server 
denies a MOH request.

Online help is provided to the user. The help is multi-language and is in HTML format. The
help file is MOHHELP.CHM. This is a compiled HTML file and needs to be in the same 
directory as the ltmoh.exe file. This file is automatically copied over when the application
is installed by setup.

Additional language support:
Dutch (Netherlands)
Norwegian (Bokmal)
Portuguese (Portugal)

LTMOH App release notes for version 1.60
Unified Application for Mars/Venus and SoftModem.

New feature:
Enhancement to Universal MOH. The user can now specify different digits for the call to 
be switched from the data to voice and back if required. This feature is used for lines 
that requires different DTMF digits to be dialed after the Hookflash to facillitate 
switching the call from voice to data and back. The dial strings can be specified as one
string delimited by a comma. 

If the user needs to use a sequence of HookFlash + 1 to switch from data to voice and
HookFlash+2 to switch from voice to data, then the dial string will be entered as "1,2".  

LTMoh App release notes for version 1.59
Added support for additional languages

LTMoh App release notes for version 1.58
Note: This version of the application should be used with Mars driver version 8.13 and above. 

New features:

Place Voice Call feature. This feature will allow the user to place an outgoing 
voice call, while on a V92 connection. This requires the user to have a line with
the three-way calling service. The user selects the "Place Voice Call" option while
connected, there is an option to Place a voice call or to go back to the data call. 
On selection of the option to place the voice call, the data call is placed on hold
and the user is prompted to pick up the local phone and to dial the voice call. The 
user then switches back to the data call when done with the voice call.

Multi-language support

Languages supported

Spanish ( Castillian, Mexican, Modern )
Chinese ( Simplified, Traditional)

LTMoh App release notes for version 1.57

Bug Fixes:
   Fixed an issue where the Application was passing a Null buffer to the driver. This could
potentially cause a crash in W2k and NT4

LTMoh App release notes for version 1.55

New Features:

1. Modifications to the User Interface
   Implementation of Universal MOH. This will allow the user to specify digits to be dialed
   to enable the call to be switched from the data call to the incoming voice call. These 
   digits will also be used to switch the call back from voice to data. This feature is
   used for lines that requires DTMF digits to be dialed after the Hookflash to 
   facillitate switching the call from voice to data and back. 

Bug Fixes:
   Fixed an issue where the "Start Automatically" option was not working as documented.
LTMoh App release notes for version 1.5

New Features:

1. Modifications to the User Interface
   The configuration dialog is one property page. 
   The configuration fields are:
	Enable Call Waiting - Check box
		If selected - Call Waiting is enabled
        	If not selected - Call waiting is disabled and incoming calls are ignored.   
	Disconnect Call, switch to Voice - Radio button
		If enabled - Incoming call is answered and data call is disconnected.

	Enable Modem on Hold - Radio Button
		If enabled - User is given an option to place the data call on hold and
			     answer the incoming voice call.
	Caller ID - Check box
		If selected - Caller ID information for the incoming call is displayed.
	Warn before Timeout - Check box
		If selected - A warning message is diaplayed before the Modem on Hold
			      times out

	Warning value - Time in seconds, when the warning message is displayed

    The Status dialog has been modified
    On an incoming call the following information is displayed

	The Caller ID information for the call is displayed.
	A timer counts down and displays the time the user has to 
	select his next option.
	Answer - The data call is put on hold and the call is switched to the
                 incoming voice call.
	Ignore - The call is ignored and the modem returns to data mode.

	On selection of Answer
	    A timer counts down and displays the time the user has on the voice call. 

	    Resume Data Call - The modem returns to data mode.

2. Configurable detection options

   The application can be configured to detect and configure the modem for MOH without 
   any user interaction. This is done by using an INI file called LTMOH.INI. These are
   the options defined in the INI file


   SilentEnumeration if selected will cause the app to try and detect the modem and
   configure it without any user interaction. The modem detection is done based on 
   the modem type or modem name.


   ModemType describes the modem that is to be configured. The app will detect and 
   configure the type of modem as described in the ModemType 
   1 = Venus; 2 = Mars

   ModemName=MicroLink 56K Fun II

   ModemName describes the name of the modem that is to be detected and configured. 
   The app will detect and configure a modem that has the same friendly name as 
   described in the ModemName field. This field should be used to detect and configure 
   a modem that does not have our generic modem friendly name,  
   The application will pop up an modem selection and coniguration box if the INI file
   does not exist or if SilentEnumeration=N.

3. Additional Information
   Required files for MARS
   	LTMOH.EXE 	- Executable file
        MOHAPI.DLL      - MOH DLL
        LTMOH.INI       - Configuration file

   Required files for VENUS
   	LTMOH.EXE 	- Executable file
        MOHAPI.DLL      - MOH DLL
        LTMOH.INI       - Configuration file
	LTHOOK.VXD      - VxD for Win9x/WinME - copy to \windows\system directory
        LTSERMON.SYS	- SYS file for NT4/W2K - copy to \windows\system32 directory

LTMoh App release notes for version 1.4
New Features:
1. 	The application has been split up into a User Interface piece (LTMOH.EXE) and an API
2. 	The Modem Status window pops up only when some user interaction is required.
3.	Uses the Modem's Friendly name to select and detect Venus modems.

LtMoh App release notes for Version 1.3
New Features:
1. Support for both Mars and Venus modems for Win NT, Win 2000, and Win Me;

Known issues:
1. The desktop shortcut link is hard coded in this release as follows:
	Win 9x -- c:\windows\system\ltmoh.lnk
	Win NT -- c:\winnt\system32\ltmoh.lnk
	Win 2000 -- c:\winnt\system32\ltmoh.lnk
	Win Me -- c:\windows\system\ltmoh.lnk
If the path of windows system directory is different from the above, the desktop shortcut 
needs to be manually created for this release.
2. Uninstall is not equipped for Win NT in this release.

Venus LtHook.VxD and LtSerMon.SYS:
1.	Wait for +PMHR:n only after we make the +PMHR request, which bypass
	possible garbage containing +PMHRN:n in DUN/CISCO case.
2.  Under NT4/W2K, after call waiting happens, wait longer before flash hook.

Known issues:
1.  LtSerMon.sys won't exit before Hyperterm quit. User won't see the 
	difference though.

LtMoh App release notes for Version 1.2
New Features:
1. Call history log showing last ten incoming calls with date, time, number, and caller ID;
2. Enable/Disable call waiting;
3. Enumerate and display all installed Lucent modems for user to select;
4. Option for automatic launch when machine reboots.

1. Adaptation to the new V.250 AT commands.

Venus LtHook.VxD:
VxD was modified to go with new Venus control code, which supports latest TIA TR-30.2 spec.
NOTE: The spec. proposed MOH +P commands to be included in V.250

LtMoh App release notes for Version 1.1
New Features:
1. Save MOH settings to registry on exit and restore settings when app is launched again.  
   The registry key added is "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lucent\MOH";
2. Single app supports both Venus and Mars.
3. App saves window positioning
4. OS detection for MARS is implemented
5. Mars & Venus is supported on Win 95,98 and Millenium.

1. Timer drop list expanding.

Known issues:
1. Application will not detect modem properly if both mars and venus are installed in the same system

Venus LtHook.VxD:
Fixed problems:
1. ltven.inf
	Modified ltven.inf to include uninstall, which removes .lnk, exe and vxd when user removes 
	"Lucent MOH application".  To restore "Lucent MOH Application", user needs to remove modem and 
	reinstall through ltven.inf again;  
2. Improved callerID detection and moh notifications with different applications such as procomm, HT etc.,

LtMoh App release notes for Version 1.0
1. Additional files copied
LtHook.vxd ->Trapper vxd copied to windows\system directory
LtMoh.exe  ->Modem on Hold application copied to windows\system directory
LtMoh.lnk  -> shortcut that is copied to desktop during INF installation.
LtMoh.inf  -> Modified generic Lucent inf to copy these additional files and some registry keys.

The shorcut assumes Windows is installed in c:\windows directory.

2. Registry Keys added 
This key is added to run the LtMoh application automatically on reboot.

3. Known issues
a. The additional files copied and registry key are not removed automatically when the
modem is removed through device manager. Will be supported in the next release via
Add/Remove programs
b. Enables call waiting by default for MoH feature to work. No user interface to disable this.
c. Looks for Lucent in ati3 string to detect Lucent modem.
d. Need to run the application manually after the modem installation. It can be run by double clicking the icon
on the desktop or executing from \windows\system\ltmoh.exe.
e. Supports only VxD platforms.



Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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