;******************************************************************************* ;* ** ;* I N T E L P R O P R I E T A R Y ** ;* ** ;* COPYRIGHT (c) 1993-1999 BY INTEL CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO ** ;* PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, ** ;* TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY ** ;* LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, ** ;* MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ** ;* THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF : ** ;* ** ;* INTEL CORPORATION ** ;* ** ;* 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD ** ;* ** ;* SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ** ;* ** ;******************************************************************************* ;*********************************************************************** ; Windows NT OEMSETUP.INF for ; ; Intel(R) PRO/100+ PCI Adapter ; ; Copyright© 1994-1999 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. ;*********************************************************************** ; $Revision: 63 $ ; ;*********************************************************************** ; Define constants ;*********************************************************************** [FileConstants] Manufacturer = "Intel" ModemEnabler = "Cbmodem.sys" NDIS3 = "E100b.sys" NDIS4 = "E100bnt.sys" IANS = "iANSNT4.sys" IANSE = "iANSNT4e.sys" IANSN = "iANSNT4n.sys" IVLAN = "iVLAN.sys" PROSet = "PROSetp.cpl" PROMon = "PROMon.exe" PROKdd = "PROKddp.sys" PROdd = "PROdd.sys" PROSetHelp = "PROSetp.hlp" PROSetCnt = "PROSetp.cnt" PROSetOld = "PROSet.cpl" PROSetReg = "PROSetp.reg" ProCaption = "Windows NT Setup" ProCancel = "Cancel" ProCancelMsg = "Windows NT Networking is not correctly installed. "+ "Are you sure you want to cancel copying files?" ProCancelCap = "Network Setup Message" ProText1 = "Copying:" ProText2 = "To:" AFTService = "SOFTWARE\Intel\iAFT" AFTWarning = "Setup detected that you have some adapter teams that are no longer supported. "+ "These teams will be converted to supported teams. "+ "Continue?" UnAttAdapterSwitch = "ALL" ; Note: UnAttAdapterSwitch allows unattend installs to install only ; a single interface in a multi-inteface environment. ; ALL - Install all supported interfaces (normal) ; INTERFACE:x - Installs the xth supported interface. ; DEVICE:x:y<:z> - Installs a supported adapter found at ; bus x, device y, function z (z is 0 by default) ;*********************************************************************** ; Define file source constants. ;*********************************************************************** [FileConstants-Src] ModemEnablerSrc = "Cbmodem.sys" NDIS3Src = "E100b.sys" NDIS4Src = "E100bnt.sys" IANSSrc = "iANSNT4.sys" IANSESrc = "iANSNT4e.sys" IANSNSrc = "iANSNT4n.sys" IVLANSrc = "iVLAN.sys" PROSetSrc = "PROSetp.cpl" PROMonSrc = "PROMon.exe" PROKddSrc = "PROKddp.sys" PROddSrc = "PROdd.sys" PROSetHelpSrc = "PROSetp.hlp" PROSetCntSrc = "PROSetp.cnt" PROSetRegSrc = "PROSetp.reg" ;*********************************************************************** ; Detect sections ;*********************************************************************** [DetectConstants] OSName = {} ? $(PROSet) PROSetGetOSVersion ;*********************************************************************** ; Define Option ;*********************************************************************** [Options] E100B E100BEXP E100BPCI E10PPCI E100BRWA [OptionsText] E100B = "Intel(R) PRO Adapter" [Source Media Descriptions] 1 = "Intel PRO Adapter CD-ROM or floppy disk", TAGFILE = E100bnt.sys ;*********************************************************************** ; Returns information to Setup about the type of driver or drivers that ; can be installed by this INF file. ;*********************************************************************** [Identify] Return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL NetAdapter "" ;*********************************************************************** ; This section returns information to the Setup program, listing the ; names of any drivers that can be installed by this INF file. It also ; returns the text strings for each driver (in the requested language) ; to be used in the dialog box that asks the user to select the driver ; to install. ;*********************************************************************** [ReturnOptions] Set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL Set OptionList = ^(Options, 1) Set OptionTextList = ^(OptionsText, 1) IfStr(i) $($1) != "" IfContains(i) $($1) not-in "PCI" Set Status = STATUS_NOTSUPPORTED Set OptionList = {} Set OptionTextList = {} EndIf EndIf Return $(Status) $(OptionList) $(OptionTextList) ;*********************************************************************** ; If the [ReturnOptions] section returns successfully, indicating the ; language is supported, Setup displays a dialog box from which the user ; can select a driver to install. If the user proceeds with the ; installation, Setup calls the [InstallOption] section. ;*********************************************************************** [InstallOption] Set Option = $($1) Set SrcDir = $($2) Set AddCopy = $($3) Set DoCopy = $($4) Set DoConfig = $($5) read-syms FileConstants read-syms FileConstants-Src Set DetectAFTs = 0 IfStr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == deinstall Set StartLabel = RemoveAdapter Else-IfStr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == update Set StartLabel = UpdateAdapters Set DetectAFTs = 1; Else-IfStr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == bind Set StartLabel = BindingReview Else-IfStr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == configure Set StartLabel = ConfigureAdapter Else-IfStr(i) $(!NTN_InstallMode) == install Set StartLabel = InstallAdapters Set DetectAFTs = 1; EndIf Set from = FatalError Set to = FatalError IfInt $(DetectAFTs) == 1 ; Check to see if there are AFT (obsolete) teams in the system ; by looking for the existence of AFT service, "iAFT" OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" $(AFTService) $(!REG_KEY_READ) hAFTService IfStr(i) $(hAFTService) != "" ; Display a warning messgae Shell "Subroutn.Inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "WARNING" $(AFTWarning) ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL return FAILED endif ifstr(i) $($R1) == "CANCEL" return FAILED endif EndIf EndIf Goto $(StartLabel) ;*********************************************************************** ; Called when the user clicks the Add button in the NCPA. ;*********************************************************************** InstallAdapters = + Install "Install-PROSet" Install "Install-RegFile" LoadLibrary "" $(PROSet) hLib LibraryProcedure DllExitStr $(hLib) InstallAdapters + $(Option), $(PROMon), $(STF_CONTEXTINFNAME), + $(!NetCardParameterName), $(!NetCardParameterValue), + $(!STF_GUI_UNATTENDED), $(SrcDir), $(UnAttAdapterSwitch) FreeLibrary $(hLib) Ifstr(i) $(DllExitStr) == "ERROR" return STATUS_USERCANCEL EndIf detect DetectConstants Install "Install-Option" Install "Install-PROSet-More" return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ;*********************************************************************** ; Called when the user clicks the Update button in the NCPA. ;*********************************************************************** UpdateAdapters = + Install "Install-PROSet" Install "Install-RegFile" LoadLibrary "" $(PROSet) hLib LibraryProcedure DllExitStr $(hLib) UpdateAdapters + $(PROMon), $(!NTN_RegBase), $(SrcDir) FreeLibrary $(hLib) Ifstr(i) $(DllExitStr) == "ERROR" return STATUS_USERCANCEL EndIf Set NewInfName = $(DllExitStr) detect DetectConstants Install "Install-Option" Install "Install-PROSet-More" return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ;*********************************************************************** ; Called when the binding engine runs and the software component has a ; Review = 1 flag in the CurrentVersion key of the software component ; key. ;*********************************************************************** BindingReview = + LoadLibrary "" $(PROSet) hLib LibraryProcedure DllExitStr $(hLib) BindingReview $(Option) FreeLibrary $(hLib) return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ;*********************************************************************** ; Called when user clicks the Remove button on the NCPA to remove an ; adapter. We only need to remove the hardware components; the NCPA ; will remove the software component when the last hardware component ; is removed. This function is also used to remove adapter teams. ;*********************************************************************** RemoveAdapter = + LoadLibrary "" $(PROSet) hLib LibraryProcedure DllExitStr $(hLib) RemoveAdapter + $(Option), $(!NTN_RegBase) FreeLibrary $(hLib) Ifstr(i) $(DllExitStr) == "ERROR" return STATUS_USERCANCEL EndIf Ifstr(i) $(DllExitStr) == "CLEANUP" Install "Install-Cleanup" Install "Install-PROMon-Cleanup" EndIf return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL ;*********************************************************************** ; Called when the user selects Properties button on an adapter. ;*********************************************************************** ConfigureAdapter = + LoadLibrary "" $(PROSet) hLib LibraryProcedure DllExitStr $(hLib) DLLEntry + $(!NTN_RegBase), $(Option) FreeLibrary $(hLib) Ifstr(i) $(DllExitStr) == "REBOOT" return STATUS_SUCCESSFUL EndIf return STATUS_USERCANCEL ;*********************************************************************** ; Something's busted! ;*********************************************************************** FatalError = + return STATUS_FAILED ;*********************************************************************** ; Install the PROSet files. ;*********************************************************************** [Install-PROSet] Set STF_VITAL = 1 Set STF_OVERWRITE = "VERIFYSOURCEOLDER" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-PROSet-Drivers $(SrcDir) + $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-PROSet-System $(SrcDir) + $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) Set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = 1 CopyFilesInCopyList Exit [Files-PROSet-Drivers] 1, $(PROKddSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(PROKdd) 1, $(PROddSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(PROdd) [Files-PROSet-System] 1, $(PROSetSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(PROSet) 1, $(PROMonSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(PROMon) 1, $(PROSetHelpSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(PROSetHelp) 1, $(PROSetCntSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(PROSetCnt) ;*********************************************************************** ; Finish up the install of PROSet ;*********************************************************************** [Install-PROSet-More] ; Install PROMon to run each time NT 4 starts IfStr(i) $(OSName) == "NT4" OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" + "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" + $(!REG_KEY_SET_VALUE) KeyWinRun SetRegValue $(KeyWinRun) {$(PROMon), 0, $(!REG_VT_SZ), $(PROMon)} CloseRegKey $(KeyWinRun) EndIf ; Remove Old PROSet AddFileToDeleteList $(PROSetOld) Exit ;*********************************************************************** ; Remove PROMon hook ;*********************************************************************** [Install-PROMon-Cleanup] OpenRegKey $(!REG_H_LOCAL) "" + "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" + $(!REG_KEY_SET_VALUE) KeyWinRun DeleteRegValue $(KeyWinRun) $(PROMon) CloseRegKey $(KeyWinRun) Exit ;*********************************************************************** ; Install the Optional Registry files. ;*********************************************************************** [Install-RegFile] Set STF_VITAL = 1 Set STF_OVERWRITE = "VERIFYSOURCEOLDER" ; Prior to installing the drivers, lets see if the install media has the Registry files set FileToCheck = $(SrcDir)$(PROSetRegSrc) LibraryProcedure ProsetRegFilePresent,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(FileToCheck) Ifstr(i) $(ProsetRegFilePresent) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Option-Reg $(SrcDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) Set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = 1 CopyFilesInCopyList RunProgram ExitCode "" "" $(!STF_WINDOWSPATH)\REGEDIT.EXE /S $(PROSetReg) Endif Exit ;*********************************************************************** ; Install the Option files. ;*********************************************************************** [Install-Option] Set STF_VITAL = 1 Set STF_OVERWRITE = "VERIFYSOURCEOLDER" ; Prior to installing the drivers, lets see if the install media has the ANS ; driver and the VLAN driver. IfStr(i) $(OSName) == "NT4" set FileToCheck = $(SrcDir)$(ModemEnablerSrc) LibraryProcedure ModemEnablerFilePresent,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(FileToCheck) set FileToCheck = $(SrcDir)$(IANSSrc) LibraryProcedure AnsFilePresent,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(FileToCheck) set FileToCheck = $(SrcDir)$(IANSESrc) LibraryProcedure AnsEFilePresent,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(FileToCheck) set FileToCheck = $(SrcDir)$(IANSNSrc) LibraryProcedure AnsNFilePresent,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(FileToCheck) set FileToCheck = $(SrcDir)$(IVLANSrc) LibraryProcedure VlanFilePresent,$(!LIBHANDLE), CheckFileExistance $(FileToCheck) Ifstr(i) $(ModemEnablerFilePresent) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-ModemEnabler $(SrcDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers Endif Ifstr(i) $(AnsFilePresent) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-Ans $(SrcDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers Endif Ifstr(i) $(AnsEFilePresent) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-AnsE $(SrcDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers Endif Ifstr(i) $(AnsNFilePresent) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-AnsN $(SrcDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers Endif Ifstr(i) $(VlanFilePresent) == "YES" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-Vlan $(SrcDir) $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers Endif Endif Set FilesOptionDrivers = "Files-Option-Drivers-"$(OSName) AddSectionFilesToCopyList $(FilesOptionDrivers) $(SrcDir) + $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH)\drivers IfStr(i) $(NewInfName) != "" AddSectionFilesToCopyList Files-Option-Inf $(SrcDir) + $(!STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH) EndIf Set !STF_NCPA_FLUSH_COPYLIST = 1 CopyFilesInCopyList Exit [Files-Option-Drivers-NT351] 1, $(NDIS3Src), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(NDIS3) [Files-Option-Drivers-NT4] 1, $(NDIS4Src), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(NDIS4) [Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-ModemEnabler] 1, $(ModemEnablerSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(ModemEnabler) [Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-Ans] 1, $(IANSSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(IANS) [Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-AnsE] 1, $(IANSESrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(IANSE) [Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-AnsN] 1, $(IANSNSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(IANSN) [Files-Option-Drivers-NT4-Vlan] 1, $(IVLANSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(IVLAN) [Files-Option-Inf] 1, OEMSETUP.INF, SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(NewInfName), + OVERWRITE=ALWAYS [Files-Option-Reg] 1, $(PROSetRegSrc), SIZE=50000, RENAME=$(PROSetReg) ;*********************************************************************** ; Clean system of adapter files. ;*********************************************************************** [Install-Cleanup] AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(NDIS3) AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(NDIS4) AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(IANS) AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(IANSE) AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(IANSN) AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(IVLAN) AddFileToDeleteList $(PROSet) AddFileToDeleteList $(PROMon) AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(PROKdd) AddFileToDeleteList drivers\$(PROdd) AddFileToDeleteList $(PROSetHelp) AddFileToDeleteList $(PROSetCnt) AddFileToDeleteList $(PROSetReg) ExitDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.