README.TXT Driver File Contents (

Intel(r) PRO/100 Boot Agent Release Notes
February 3, 1999


The Intel PRO/100 Boot Agent is a software product that allows a personal 
computer client to boot using a boot image that resides on a remote server. 
The product is compliant with the Wired for Management Baseline 2.0 (WfM 2.0)
specification and incorporates the software defined in the Pre-boot eXecution
Environment version 1.0 (PXE 1.0) specification. Refer to the PRO/100 Boot 
Agent User's Guide, included on the product diskette, for more detailed 

Installing PRO/100 Boot Agent Software

Prior to installing the PRO/100 Boot Agent software your computer must be set
up with an installed adapter that holds a 64KB Flash ROM device. If the 
adapter and ROM are not already installed in your computer, refer to the 
PRO/100 Boot Agent User's Guide for the complete installation instructions for 
the PRO/100 Boot Agent product.

Perform the following steps to install the PRO/100 Boot Agent software:

1. Using a DOS system disk, boot your computer to a DOS prompt.
The next several steps require that your computer be booted only
to DOS. These steps cannot be performed from a DOS Command
Prompt window or using a DOS task within Windows.

2.  Insert the diskette with the PRO/100 Boot Agent software into your 
computer floppy disk drive. Assuming drive A: is your floppy drive, type:
A:> \fboot <Enter>

3.  In response to the first question from the utility, enter the number
corresponding to your adapter, then press the Enter key to continue.
4.  The next question requiring a response is:

Select Option (U)pdate or (R)estore:

An update (U) response results in the fboot utility updating the Flash
ROM device with the current version of PRO/100 Boot Agent software. A
restore (R) response will cause the fboot utility to write a previously
stored flash image file onto the flash ROM device.

5. You are next asked to respond to this final question:
Create Restore Image (Y)es or (N)o:

A yes (Y) response will create a flash image file and load it with the current
(not updated) image of the Flash ROM device. A no (N) response will
cause fboot to proceed without first saving a copy of the current flash
image. The fboot program returns you to the DOS prompt once it completes
the installation.

Operating Procedures

At this time, assuming your network server is set up to support remote 
booting, you can reset your computer and it will remote boot using the boot 
image stored on the network server. If you also need to set up your server for 
remote booting (using either PXE or RPL protocol), refer to the PRO/100 Boot 
Agent User's Guide.

Once installed, the PRO/100 Boot Agent software requires no operator 
intervention unless you (the operator) need to interrupt the normal boot 
sequence of your computer. Refer to the PRO/100 Boot Agent User's Guide for 
details on the normal boot process followed by your computer when the PRO/100 
Boot Agent is installed. The User's Guide provides detailed information on the 
following operation topics:

• Normal Boot Sequence
• Interrupting the Boot Sequence
• Diverting to the Motherboard BIOS Setup
• Diverting to the PRO/100 Boot Agent Setup Menu


The PRO/100 Boot Agent product has only a few things that can go wrong once
it is installed. In general, those problems (and possible causes) are as 

• An error message "Media test failure, check cable" appears. The network
cable between your computer and the network server is disconnected.

• Cannot change boot order. See the detailed description in the PRO/100
Boot Agent User's Guide for corrective actions.

• When using RPL protocol, the boot does not proceed normally. See the
detailed description in the PRO/100 Boot Agent User's Guide, and the
Errata descriptions below for corrective actions.

• For any other problems, see the detailed descriptions in the Troubleshooting
Procedures section of the PRO/100 Boot Agent User's Guide for corrective

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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