mga.ini Driver File Contents (nt4451.exe)


Profile file for the setup of Matrox PowerDesk NT


Version		= 4.51
DisplayErrors	= 1
UpdateMon	= 1
UpdateReg	= 0
TargetPath	= Default
Reboot		= 1
InstLanguage	= prompt
Schemes		= Trusty 8bits, Virtuality, High Color, Rainbow in 800, Low Res, Panoramic, Elevator
SilentMode	= 0

English      = inst_eng.dl_
Deutsch      = inst_ger.dl_
Español      = inst_spa.dl_
Français     = inst_fre.dl_
Italiano     = inst_ita.dl_

WebPath			=
RegWebPath		=
RegistrationDone	= 0

A00  = 0x102B 0x0519 0x00000000            ;Matrox Millennium PCI
A01  = 0x102B 0x051A 0x00000000            ;Matrox Mystique PCI
A02  = 0x102B 0x051B 0x00000000            ;Matrox Millennium II PCI
A03  = 0x102B 0x051F 0x00000000            ;Matrox Millenium II AGP
A04  = 0x102B 0x051A 0x00000000            ;Matrox Mystique 220 PCI
A05  = 0x102B 0x1000 0xFF01102B            ;Matrox Productiva G100 PCI
A06  = 0x102B 0x1001 0xFF01102B            ;Matrox Productiva G100 AGP
A07  = 0x102B 0x0519 0x00000000            ;DigiDesktop Main
A08  = 0x102B 0x0519 0x00000000            ;DigiDesktop Slave
A09  = 0x102B 0x1001 0x001E110A            ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A10  = 0x102B 0x1001 0x1001102B            ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A11  = 0x102B 0x1001 0xFF00102B            ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A12  = 0x102B 0x1001 0xFF04102B            ;Matrox MGA-G100 AGP
A13  = 0x102B 0x0521 0x0032110A            ;Matrox MGA-G200 AGP (Siemens)
A14  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF00102B            ;Matrox MGA-G200 AGP
A15  = 0x102B 0x0520 0xFF03102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 SD PCI
A16  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF031014            ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A17  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF03102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A18  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xC9BC102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A19  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xC93C102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A20  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBBC102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A21  = 0x102B 0x0521 0x48F8102B            ;Matrox Millenium G200 SD AGP (Calao/16Mb/upg)
A22  = 0x102B 0x0521 0x4A64102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 AGP
A23  = 0x102B 0x0521 0x48E9102B            ;Matrox Mystique G200 AGP (Calao/16Mb/Maven)
A24  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF02102B            ;Matrox Mystique G200 AGP (Calao/8Mb/Maven)
A25  = 0x102B 0x1000 0xFF05102B            ;Matrox Productiva G100 MMS PCI
A26  = 0x102B 0x0520 0xFF04102B            ;Matrox Marvel G200 PCI
A27  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xFF04102B            ;Matrox Marvel G200 AGP
A28  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xF806102B            ;Matrox Mystique G200 Video AGP
A29  = 0x102B 0x0521 0x4A60102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 LE AGP
A30  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xC9B0102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 LE AGP
A31  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x217D102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head MAX AGP (32 Mb)
A32  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2179102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head AGP (32 Mb)
A33  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2159102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head AGP (16 Mb)
A34  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x19F8102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (32Mb/SGRam)
A35  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x19D8102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (16Mb/SGRam)
A36  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0338102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (16Mb/SDRam)
A37  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2F58102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (32Mb SG NLX rev 934)
A38  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x2F78102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (16Mb SG NLX rev 934)
A39  = 0x102B 0x0525 0xB16F0E11            ;Matrox Millennium G400 AGP (Compaq)
A40  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x3693102B            ;Matrox Marvel G400 AGP (16 MB SG rev 892)
A41  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x04001458            ;Gigabyte (GA-G400) G400 Dual Head AGP
A42  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x9010102B            ;Matrox Millennium G400 Dual Head AGP (32 Mb)
A43  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0378102B            ;Single Head G400 (PCB #846)
A44  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x5A80102B            ;Matrox Orion G400 AGP
A45  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x5EB0102B            ;Matrox Orion G400 PCI
A46  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xCA6C102B            ;Matrox Millennium G250 AGP
A47  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xCA60102B            ;Matrox Millennium G250 LE AGP (SG NLX rev 873)
A48  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBF8102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A49  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBF9102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A50  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBF2102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A51  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBE2102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A52  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBF3102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A53  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBE3102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A54  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBF4102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A55  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBF5102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Quad G200)
A56  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBD8102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A57  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBD9102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A58  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBD2102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A59  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBC2102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A60  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBD3102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A61  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBC3102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A62  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBD4102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A63  = 0x102B 0x0521 0xDBD5102B            ;Matrox Millennium G200 MMS PCI  (Dual G200)
A64  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0540102B            ;Matrox Millennium G450 AGP
A65  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0640102B            ;Matrox Millennium G450 AGP
A66  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0541102B            ;Matrox Millennium G450 AGP
A67  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0640102B            ;Matrox Millennium G450 AGP
A68  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x07C0102B            ;Matrox Millennium G450 AGP
A69  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0D40102B            ;Matrox Millennium G450 PCI
A70  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0D41102B            ;Matrox Millennium G450 PCI
A71  = 0x102B 0x0525 0x0E00102B            ;Matrox Marvel G450 AGP

Cards     = G400
SubsysIDs = A31,A32,A33,A34,A35,A36,A37,A38,A39,A40,A41,A42,A43,A44,A45

B00 =  640 x 480
B01 =  720 x 480
B02 =  720 x 576
B03 =  768 x 576
B04 =  800 x 600
B05 =  848 x 480
B06 =  856 x 480
B07 =  864 x 480
B08 = 1024 x 768
B09 = 1024 x 1280
B10 = 1072 x 600
B11 = 1152 x 864
B12 = 1200 x 1600
B13 = 1280 x 720
B14 = 1280 x 768
B15 = 1280 x 800
B16 = 1280 x 960
B17 = 1280 x 1024
B18 = 1360 x 766
B19 = 1360 x 768
B20 = 1376 x 768
B21 = 1600 x 1024
B22 = 1600 x 1200
B23 = 1600 x 1280
B24 = 1792 x 1344
B25 = 1800 x 1440
B26 = 1856 x 1392
B27 = 1920 x 1034
B28 = 1920 x 1080
B29 = 1920 x 1200
B30 = 1920 x 1440
B31 = 2048 x 1536
B32 =  320 x 200
B33 =  320 x 240
B34 =  512 x 384
B35 =  640 x 400

SingleRes = B00,B01,B02,B03,B04,B05,B06,B07,B08,B09,B10,B11,B12,B13,B14,B15,B16,B17,B18,B19,B20,B21,B22,B23,B24,B25,B26,B27,B28,B29,B30,B31,B32,B33,B34,B35
PixelWidth = 8, 16, 24, 32

DNav        	= 85
Monitor		= 980
QDesk		= 70
Settings	= 275
Ctrl		= 370
Drivers		= 500
Doc		= 120	

User.AlternateLines	= 0
User.SynchronizeDac	= 0
User.DeviceBitmaps	= 1
User.Enable3dClock      = 1
User.EnableUSWC		= 1
User.Filtering		= 1
User.MgaInfoFile	= 0
User.UseBusMastering	= 1
User.EnableSecondCrtc	= 0
User.BrightnessNTSC     = 100
User.BrightnessPAL      = 87
User.ContrastNTSC       = 100
User.ContrastPAL        = 121
User.HueNTSC            = 0
User.HuePAL             = 0
User.SaturationNTSC     = 90
User.SaturationPAL      = 103
User.AntiFlicker        = 1
User.EnhanceText        = 1
User.ReduceEdgeFlicker  = 0
User.Mono               = 0
User.QuadHWDirectDraw   = 1
User.CRTCConfiguration  = 1
User.SingleOutput       = 0
User.EnableAGP	        = 1
User.EnablePciPrimary   = 0
User.EnableClone        = 1
Mga.EnableICD		= 1
Mga.EnableMix		= 1
Mga.FlatOutputOnCrt     = 1
PDEnable		= 1
User3d.TextureMapping	= 1
User3d.AntiAliasLines	= 1
User3d.UseBusMastering 	= 1
User3d.3DEnable		= 1
User3d.SwapVsyncEnable	= 1
User3d.ForcePrimaryPitch = 1
User3d.UseZ32		= 0

Mga.AGPFlags 		= 4,1,0,0


EnableCenterPOPUP	= 0
EnableMaxView		= 0
WarnWhenPDCanNotRun	= 1
WarnWhenSwitching	= 1
EnableCustomSupport	= 1
BootTimer               = 4000
User.EnableDualZoomPanning   = 0
User.EnableDualZoomFiltering = 1
Multi ModeChange Hotkey = 0x74a

[Trusty 8bits]
Bits Per Pixel	= 8
Mga.DesktopX	= 1024
Mga.DesktopY	= 768
Mga.DisplayX	= 1024
Mga.DisplayY	= 768
Font Size	= 120
Desktop Type	= 0
OffScreen Usage	= 0

Bits Per Pixel	= 8
Mga.DesktopX	= 1600
Mga.DesktopY	= 1200
Mga.DisplayX	= 1024
Mga.DisplayY	= 768
Font Size	= 120
Desktop Type	= 1
OffScreen Usage	= 0

[High Color]
Bits Per Pixel	= 16
Mga.DesktopX	= 1024
Mga.DesktopY	= 768
Mga.DisplayX	= 1024
Mga.DisplayY	= 768
Font Size	= 120
Desktop Type	= 0
OffScreen Usage	= 0

[Rainbow in 800]
Bits Per Pixel	= 24
Mga.DesktopX	= 800
Mga.DesktopY	= 600
Mga.DisplayX	= 800
Mga.DisplayY	= 600
Font Size	= 120
Desktop Type	= 0
OffScreen Usage	= 0

[Low Res]
Bits Per Pixel	= 8
Mga.DesktopX	= 640
Mga.DesktopY	= 480
Mga.DisplayX	= 640
Mga.DisplayY	= 480
Font Size	= 96
Desktop Type	= 0
OffScreen Usage	= 0

Bits Per Pixel	= 8
Mga.DesktopX	= 2048
Mga.DesktopY	= 768
Mga.DisplayX	= 1024
Mga.DisplayY	= 768
Font Size	= 120
Desktop Type	= 2
OffScreen Usage	= 0

Bits Per Pixel	= 8
Mga.DesktopX	= 1024
Mga.DesktopY	= 1536
Mga.DisplayX	= 1024
Mga.DisplayY	= 768
Font Size	= 120
Desktop Type	= 3
OffScreen Usage	= 0
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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