[MAIN] MyComputer="MyComputer" SetICS="Setting Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)" [COMMAND_DIALOG] SHOW_TRAY_ICON="Show Tray Icon" ZERO_CONFIG="Windows Zero Config" RADIO_OFF="Radio Off" Disable_device="Disable Adapter" CLOSE="Close" [MAINMEMU] Refresh="Refresh(&R)" RT-Set="RT-Set(&S)" Mode="Mode(&M)" View="View(&V)" About="About(&A)" Station="Station" AccessPoint="Access Point" StatusBar="Status Bar(&S)" [PopupMEMU] Config="Open Config Utility" RT-Set="RT-Set Wizard" About="About" Hide="Hide" [PageName] GeneralPage="General" ProfilePage="Profile" AvailableNetworkPage="Available Network" AdvancePage="Advanced" StatusPage="Status" StatisticsPage="Statistics" EzConfigPage="Easy Config" SoftApPage="Soft AP" [WLanGeneralPage] Status="Status:" Speed="Speed:" Type="Type:" Encryption="Encryption:" SSID="SSID:" SignalStrength="Signal Strength:" LinkQuality="Link Quality:" NetworkAddress="Network Address:" MacAddress="Mac Address:" IPAddress="IP Address:" SubnetMask="Subnet Mask:" Gateway="Gateway:" Throughput="Throughput:" RENEWIP="ReNew IP" RadioSwitchingisOff="Radio Switching is Off" RadioisOff="Radio is Off" WEPKeyMisMatched="WEP Key MisMatched" CheckingStatus="Checking Status..." Associated="Associated" AdHocMode="Ad Hoc Mode" AdHocNoLink="Ad Hoc(No Link)" NotAssociated="Not Associated" IBSS="IBSS" Infrastructure="Infrastructure" WEP="WEP" TKIP="TKIP" AES="AES" None="None" [WLanProfilePage] AvailableProfile="Available Profile(s)" ADD="Add" REMOVE="Remove" EDIT="Edit" DUPLICATE="Duplicate" SET_DEFAULT="Set Default" ProfileName="Profile Name" SSID="SSID" [WLanAvailableNetworkPage] AvailableNetwork="Available Network(s)" SITESURVEY_REFRESH="Refresh" SITESURVEY_ADD_TO_PROFILE="Add to Profile" Note="Note" Note_TEXT="Double click on item to join/create profile." SSID="SSID" Channel="Channel" Encryption="Encryption" NetworkAuthentication="Network Authentication" Signal="Signal" Type="Type" BSSID="BSSID" SupportedRate="Supported Rate(s)" Mode="Mode" Waitforsearching="Wait for searching ..." None="None" Unknown="Unknown" WEP="WEP" WEP-40="WEP-40" TKIP="TKIP" AES="AES" WEP-104="WEP-104" WPA802.1x="WPA 802.1x" WPAPre-SharedKey="WPA Pre-Shared Key" WPA2802.1x="WPA2 802.1x" WPA2Pre-SharedKey="WPA2 Pre-Shared Key" IBSS="IBSS" Infrastructure="Infrastructure" [WLanAdvancedPage] PowerSave="Power Save" None="None" Min="Min" Max="Max" TurboMode="Turbo Mode" TB_OFF="OFF" TB_ON="ON" TB_AUTO="AUTO" WirelessMode="Wireless Mode:" PreambleMode="Preamble Mode:" Channel_Plan="Channel Plan:" DATA_RATE="Data Rate:" FragmentThreshold="Fragment Threshold:" RTSThreshold="RTS Threshold:" WOL_BOX="WOL" WOL_TEXT1="Please Input MAC Address:" BUTTON_WOL="Wake Up" SET_DEFAULTS="Set Defaults" APPLY="Apply" [WLanStatusPage] CounterName="Counter Name" Equal="Equal" Value="Value" Manufacturer="Manufacturer" NDISDriverVersion="NDIS Driver Version" ShortRadioHeader="Short Radio Header" Encryption="Encryption" Authenticate="Authenticate" ChannelSet="Channel Set" MACAddress="MAC Address" DataRate"="Data Rate (AUTO)" Channel="Channel (Frequency)" Status="Status" SSID="SSID" NetworkType="Network Type" PowerSaveMode="Power Save Mode" AssociatedAPMAC="Associated AP MAC" AssociatedAPIP="Associated AP IP" UpTime="Up Time (hh:mm:ss)" Yes="Yes" No="No" WEP="WEP" TKIP="TKIP" AES="AES" Disabled="Disabled" Open="Open" Shared="Shared" AutoSwitch="Auto Switch" RadioSwitchingisOff="Radio Switching is Off" RadioisOff="Radio is Off" WEPKeyMisMatched="WEP Key MisMatched" Checkingstatus="Checking status ..." Associated="Associated" AdHocMode="Ad Hoc Mode" AdHocNoLink="Ad Hoc(No Link)" NotAssociated="Not Associated" IBSS="IBSS" Infrastructure="Infrastructure" None="None" Max="Max" Min="Min" [WLanStatisticsPage] CounterName="Counter Name" Value="Value" TxOK="Tx OK" TxError="Tx Error" TxRetry="Tx Retry" TxBeaconOK="Tx Beacon OK" TxBeaconError="Tx Beacon Error" RxOK="Rx OK" RxPacketCount="Rx Packet Count" RxRetry="Rx Retry" RxCRCError0="Rx CRC Error(0-500)" RxCRCError500="Rx CRC Error(500-1000)" RxCRCError1000="Rx CRC Error(>1000)" RxICVError="Rx ICV Error" [WLanAPGeneralPage] SSID="SSID:" BSSID="BSSID:" AssociationTable="Association Table" Config="Config" AID="AID" MacAddress="Mac Address" LifeTime="Life Time" [WLanAPAdvancedPage] General="General:" BeaconInterval="Beacon Interval:" PreambleMode="Preamble Mode:" DataRate="Data Rate:" Security="Security:" AcceptAuthenticationType="Accept Authentication Type:" SetDefaults="Set Defaults" Apply="Apply" Long="Long" Short="Short" Auto="Auto" OpenSystem="Open System" SharedKey="Shared Key" Both="Both" [SoftApPage] SoftAP="Soft AP" PublicNetwork="Public Network" Select="Select" Apply="Apply" ConnName="ConnName" DeviceName="Device Name" [BUTTON] IDC_BUTTON_EZSETUP_BACK="< &Back" IDC_BUTTON_EZSETUP_NEXT="&Next >" IDC_BUTTON_EZSETUP_FINISH="&Finish" IDCANCEL="&Cacnel" IDOK="&OK" [EzsetupOpMode] StepName="Select Operation Mode:" Description="Choose work in AP or Station Mode." MODE_infrastructure ="Station (infrastructure):" MODE_infrastructure_String ="Connect to a wireless network through the AP." MODE_adhoc ="Station (ad hoc):" MODE_adhoc_String ="Connect to computer-to-computer network." MODE_AP ="AP:" AP_String="Setup Access Point wireless network." [EzsetupStype] StepName="Select Station Type:" Description="Choose work in Infrastructure or Ad-Hoc Mode." [EzsetupWNetwork] StepName="Select The IBSS Connection List:" StepName2="Select The Infrastructure Connection List:" Description="Click on item to select." NEW_IBSS="New IBSS" REFRESH="Refresh" SSID="SSID" Security="Security" Channel="Channel" Signal="Signal" [EzsetupTcpip] StepName="Setup TCP/IP:" Description="Chooses automatic or manual obtains IP." TCP_IP="TCP/IP" IP_DHCP="Obtain an IP address automatically" IP_MANUAL="Use the following IP address:" IP="IP" MASK="MASK" GATEWAY="GATEWAY" DNS="DNS" DNS_AUTO="Obtain DNS server address automatically" DNS_MANUAL="Use the following DNS server addresses:" Primary="Primary" Sec="Sec" [EzsetupApUserMode] StepName="Setup A Wireless Network:" Description="Select the Setting Mode." USER_NORMAL="Normal User:" NORMAL_String="Least Setting." USER_ADVANCED="Advanced User:" ADVANCED_String="Compared with many Setting." [EzsetupApAKeySet] StepName="Wireless Network Security:" Description="This network requires a key for the following." RADIO_ASCII="ASCII" STATIC_ASCII="Input character type is ASCII." RADIO_PASSPHRASE="PASSPHRASE" STATIC_PASSPHRASE="Input character type is PASSPHRASE." STATIC_KEYLENGTH="Key Length:" STATIC_Networkkey="Network key:" [EzsetupApASet] StepName="Wireless Network Properties:" Description="Setting AP the mode parameter." SSID="SSID:" Channel="Channel:" NetworkName="Network Name(SSID):" ChannelSelection="Channel Selection:" Authentication="Authentication:" Encryption="Encryption:" [EzsetupApInetList] StepName="Select The Internet Connection List:" Description="Click on item to select." [EzsetupApFin] StepName="Finish:" Description="Confirms the parameter." NetworkName="Network Name(SSID) :" NetworkKey="Network Key :" TheInternetConnection="The internet connection :" [EzsetupApNset] StepName="Wireless Network Properties:" Description="Setting AP the mode parameter." NetworkName="Network Name(SSID):" SSID_String="The SSID can be discovered by network sniffing. By default, the SSID is part of the packet header for every packet sent over the WLAN." WEPEncryption="WEP Encryption:" Encryption_String="Wired Equivalent Privacy - makes 802.11b wireless LANs more secure. WEP is a protocol that adds security to wireless local area networks (WLANs) based on the 802.11b standard." [EzsetupApShowInfo] StepName="Show Setting Information:" Description="Confirms the parameter." NetworkName="Network Name(SSID) :" NetworkKey="Network Key :" [EzsetupWep] WEP_SSID="SSID:" ASCII="ASCII" PASSPHRASE="PASSPHRASE" keyLen="Key Length:" WEP_Networkkey="Network key:" Msg1="Keys must have the same length !" Msg2="Keys with 8 characters at least!" [MessageBox] Msg1_Title="Beacon interval value should between 20 and 1000" Msg1_Value="Beacon Interval Value Error" Msg2_Title="DTIM period value should between 1 and 255" Msg2_Value="DTIM period Value Error" Msg3_Title="Wireless configuration" Msg3_Value="No wireless network is selected!" Msg4_Title="Unsecured network" Msg4_Value1="You are connecting to the unsecured network" Msg4_Value2="Information sent over this network is not encrypted and might be visible to other people." Msg5_Title="Profile" Msg5_Value="No profile is selected!" Msg6_Value1="Profile exist !!" Msg6_Value2="Do you want to overwrite it ?" Msg7_Value="Profile full !!" Msg8_Title="Connection" Msg8_Value1="Check" Msg8_Value2="connection status!" Msg9_Value="No internet connection is selected!" Msg10_Title="Waiting Setup Up..." Msg10_Value="Switching from AP mode to Station mode..." Msg11_Value="Switching from Station mode to AP mode..." Msg12_Title="RT-Set" Msg12_Value="This device may be removed or disabled." Msg13_Title="Wireless configuration" Msg13_Value="ASCII key length error! It should be 5 or 13." Msg14_Value="You must set key with 8 characters at least!" Msg15_Value1="AP mode passphrase length invalid:" Msg15_Value2="Key length can not be more than 63!" Msg16_Value="Profile name can not be empty !" Msg17_Value="Confirm network key does not match !" Msg18_Value1="STA mode passphrase length invalid:" Msg18_Value2="Key length can not be more than 64!" Msg19_Value1="The network password needs to be 40bits or 104bits depending on your network configuration." Msg19_Value2="This can be entered as 5 or 13 ASCII characters." Msg19_Value3="This can be entered as 10 or 26 hexadecimal characters." Msg20_Value="Empty profile name !!" Msg21_Title="Adapter Removed/Disabled" Msg21_Value="Please wait for cleaning up ..." Msg22_Title="Region Domain Selection" Msg22_Value="WARNING: Selecting the incorrect region may be in violating of applicable law." [WLanEzConfigPage] Description="EasyConfig utility is used to set up Realtek AP easily. Please select one of following methods to set up your AP." TouchButtonMethod="Touch-Button Method" QuestionAnserMethod="Question-Anser Method" Start="Start" [EzConfigWizardQA] QA_FIRST="First Time Configuration" Question_1="Question 1:" Question_2="Question 2:" Pick_up_one_question="Pick up one question:" Answer="Answer:" Question1_1="Your lucky number (no more than 4 digits)?" Question1_2="Last 4 number of your ID?" Question1_3="Last 4 number of your phone?" Question2_1="Your favorite persion?" Question2_2="Your favorite country or place?" Question2_3="Your favorite sport?" Msg1="Answer of Question 1 cannot be empty string." Msg2="Too many digits for Question 1." Msg3="Answer of Question 1 should be 4 digits." Msg4="Answer of Question 2 cannot be empty string." [NetworkProperty] ProfileName="Profile Name:" NetworkName="Network Name(SSID):" AD_HOC="This is a computer-to-computer(ad hoc) network; wireless access points are not used." Channel="Channel:" ASCII="ASCII" PASSPHRASE="PASSPHRASE" Wireless_network_security="Wireless network security" TEXT_Key="This network requires a key for the following:" Network_Authentication="Network Authentication:" Data_encryption="Data encryption:" KEYLENGTH="Key Length:" Network_key="Network key:" Confirm_network_key="Confirm network key:" Key_index="Key index (advanced):" ASTERISKED="Asterisked Network Key" 8021x="802.1x configure" EAP_TYPE="EAP TYPE :" TUNNEL="Tunnel :" UserName="Username :" Identity="Identity :" Password="Password :" Certificate="Certificate :"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.