README.TXT Driver File Contents (ps600tw.exe)

           Canon PowerShot TWAIN Driver Readme file            
                     for PowerShot 600 
		       Version:  1.21
                       November, 1996
       (c) Copyright 1996, Canon Information Systems

Thank you for your purchase of the Canon PowerShot 600 digital
camera.  This readme file contains new feature/difference in
version 1.21 as well as some information which may be helpful in
diagnosing problems with the PowerShot Twain driver or the 
PowerShot 600 digital camera. This file can be viewed or printed
again in the future from its location in the PowerShot directory
(indicated in the title bar of the setup screen for viewing 
this file).  

Since the TWAIN standard is being updated on a regular basis, and
software application companies try to address these changes, you
may occasionally experience some minor problems caused by
applications that are not fully TWAIN compliant.  Canon works
closely with software manufacturers on compatibility issues to
ensure user's a trouble-free experience.

1.  New Feature/difference in Version 1.21
2.  General Notes
    (a) The camera not ready state
    (b) Erase All from PowerShot 600 Version 1.21 TWAIN driver
        when the camera battery level is not full
    (c) Image loading time concern
3.  Adobe PhotoShop v. 3.05 and PhotoShop LE v. 3.05
    (a) Cannot find Twain drivers under Windows 95
    (b) Selecting the correct 16-bit TWAIN Data Source
    (c) Using the Profile dialog of the PowerShot 600 Version 
	1.21 TWAIN driver with certain notebook computers.
4.  Micrografx Picture Publisher
    (a) Micrografx Picture Publisher w/256 color video drivers
    (b) Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0 keyboard interactions
5.  Installing and Un-Installing PowerShot 600 TWAIN Driver
6.  Using PowerShot 600 Camera with the Canon MultiPASS MP-800,
    MP-1000, C2500 MultiFunction Devices.
7.  Using PowerShot 600 Camera with the Canon BJC-610 Printer
8.  Using PowerShot 600 Version 1.21 TWAIN driver with Compaq
    QVision EISA Video Adapter.
9.  Microsoft Plus!
    (a) Disabling "Show window contents while dragging" option

1.  New Feature/difference in Version 1.21
To ensure customer satisfaction, the following changes has been 
made in version 1.21 driver:

-Thumbnail Gallery will not display the newest image first.
-Time Zone selection box has been simplified.
-More detailed information about the image/picture is available w/
 a right mouse click.
-Parallel port and Camera source option are modified for a more
 friendly use.

2.  General Notes:
(a)  The camera not ready state

    The camera is not accessible when the dashed line symbol,
    "----", is displayed on the camera LCD panel.  This symbol
    indicates the camera is not yet ready for communication.

    The list of actions which cause the camera to be in this
    state include, but are not limited to, the following:

    1.  When the camera is first locked in the cradle.

    2.  When you download thumbnails from camera using
        PowerShot software and then exit PowerShot.

    3.  When you bring up PowerShot Profile without having
        downloaded thumbnails from the camera and then exit
        PowerShot Profile.

    If you do access the camera while this symbol is displayed on
    the LCD panel, by pressing the camera button from PowerShot's
    Image Source control or pressing the camera button from
    PowerShot to access PowerShot Profile, you will see the
    following error message:

    "Device error:  The camera was not found.  Connection may be
    bad or the camera may not be ready.  Please check cable,
    power, cradle lock or battery."

    In this case, just wait until the symbol disappears from the
    LCD panel and try again.

(b)  Erase All from PowerShot 600 Version 1.21 TWAIN driver
     when the camera battery level is not full

    If you wish to delete all pictures & sounds from both the
    camera's internal storage as well as any PCMCIA/ATA card
    inserted in the camera, you may use the Erase All button
    located on the main PowerShot 600 Version 1.21 TWAIN driver
    window.  To avoid unexpected results, make sure you have
    adequate battery power to completely finish the Erase All
    operation.  If you have a large number of pictures & sounds
    to erase, the deletion process may take a few minutes.  In
    this case, make sure that the battery pack (Ni-Cd
    rechargeable) or battery holder (AA-size alkaline batteries)
    in the camera has fully charged (Ni-Cd) or new (alkaline)
    batteries.  Alternatively, connect the Camera Connector of
    the Battery Charger to the Battery Charger Terminal of the
    Camera Station CS-36 before attempting an Erase All operation
    from the PowerShot 600 Version 1.21 TWAIN driver user

(c)  Image loading time concern
    When you experience a long loading time for the Thumbnail 
    Gallery, you may want to check your temporary directory
    for .tif files generated by PowerShot and not being cleaned
    up due to an abnormal exit from PowerShot.  You just 
    need to delete these .tif files to resolve the problem.

3.  Adobe PhotoShop v. 3.05 and PhotoShop LE v. 3.05
(a)  Cannot find Twain drivers under Windows 95

    Under Windows 95, Adobe's PhotoShop v. 3.05 has difficulty
    finding and loading Twain drivers which are composed of
    multiple DLL's when they are located in their own directory
    below the TWAIN directory.  A simple workaround is available
    within Windows 95 by performing the following steps only if
    Adobe's applications are installed after PowerShot Twain driver:

    1.  Run the REGEDIT.EXE program (found in the Windows

    2.  For PhotoShop Locate the key:
            \Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\photoshp.exe

        For PhotoShop LE, the final part of the key is

    3.  Double click on the Path value to change the search path.

    4.  Add the location of the Twain driver subdirectory to the
        existing path, using a semi-colon as a delimiter.  For

        C:\Program Files\PhotoShp;C:\Windows\Twain\PwrShot

    5.  The PowerShot driver should now be found successfully.

(b)  Selecting the correct 16-bit TWAIN Data Source

    Adobe Photoshop v. 3.05 and Photoshop LE v. 3.05 support both 
    the 16-bit TWAIN and new 32-bit TWAIN_32 standards.  When 
    selecting a TWAIN or TWAIN_32 source, care must be taken to
    use the correct one.  PowerShot 600 Version 1.21 TWAIN driver
    is a 16-bit TWAIN Data Source.  Both 16-bit and 32-bit TWAIN
    drivers may appear in the Acquire>Select Source dialog boxes.
    To avoid unexpected results make sure that you use the
    "TWAIN" Data Source option when either selecting a Data
    Source (Acquire>Select TWAIN Source...) or Acquiring an
    image(s) (Acquire>TWAIN...) with the PowerShot 600 Version
    1.21 TWAIN driver.  Do NOT use (Acquire>Select TWAIN_32
    Source...) or (Acquire>TWAIN_32...).

(c)  Using the Profile dialog of the PowerShot 600 Version 1.21
     TWAIN driver with certain notebook computers.

    Under Windows 95 with some notebook computers that use color
    LCD display panels, the maximum character length allowed in
    some date & time input fields may not be adequate to permit
    entry of some date & time values.  If this situation is
    encountered with either Adobe PhotoShop v. 3.05 or Photoshop
    LE v. 3.05, please use an alternate TWAIN-compliant graphics
    application to set date, time, time zone, and owner's name
    from the Profile dialog of the PowerShot 600 Version 1.21
    TWAIN driver.

4.  Micrografx Picture Publisher
(a)  Micrografx Picture Publisher w/256 color video drivers

    When the Windows video driver is set to 256 color mode,
    Picture Publisher often does not update its colors until
    PowerShot is exited.  This problem has been acknowledged by

(b)  Micrografx Picture Publisher 5.0 keyboard interactions

    When Picture Publisher has an image open, many keyboard
    interactions are not allowed to occur in the PowerShot
    Gallery.  This problem has been acknowledged by Micrografx 
    and is fixed in version 6.0.

5.  Installing and Un-Installing PowerShot 600 TWAIN Driver
    Once you have started the Installation program, remove an
    installation diskette from your diskette drive only under the
    following circumstances:

    1.  The PowerShot Installation program prompts you to do so.

    2.  You have completed the installation successfully.

    3.  You have Canceled out of the Installation program
        (pressed "Cancel" button) before successful completion.

    To uninstall PowerShot 600 TWAIN driver please carry out the 
    following procedure:

    (for Windows 95 Users)
    1.  Click the Start button, point to Settings, and then click 
        Control Panel.
    2.  Double-click the Add/Remove Programs icon.
    3.  On the Install/Uninstall tab, click PowerShot, and then click 
    (for Windows 3.1x Users)
    1.  Click the File option from Program Manager, and then click 
    2.  Type '\Windows\Twain\Pwrshot\Psunist.exe
    3.  Click 'OK' to start.

6.  Using PowerShot 600 Camera with the Canon MultiPASS MP-800,
    MP-1000, C2500 MultiFunction Devices.
    If you plan on connecting a PowerShot 600 Camera and a Canon
    MultiPASS MultiFunction device to the same computer, please
    make sure to do the following:

    1.  If you have more than one LPT port on your computer,
        connect the MultiPASS device and the PowerShot 600 Camera
        to separate LPT ports.

    2.  If you have only a single LPT port on your computer,
        please refer to the user documentation which came with
        your MultiPASS device to properly configure the MultiPASS
        software so it can share usage of the same LPT port with
        another device (in this case, the PowerShot 600 Camera).
        The MultiPASS software has an "Exclusive Port Use" option
        (enabled by default), which will prevent you from sharing
        the same LPT port with another parallel port device.

7.  Using PowerShot 600 Camera with the Canon BJC-610 Printer
    If you plan on connecting a PowerShot 600 Camera and a Canon
    BJC-610 printer to the same computer, on separate LPT ports,
    avoid printing to the BJC-610 while Acquiring images from the
    PowerShot 600.  On slower computers, there may not be
    adequate CPU time to successfully transfer image data from
    the camera while simultaneously sending print data to the
    BJC-610.  In this event, you will receive a message from the
    PowerShot 600 TWAIN driver which says, "Communication error:
    Camera may not be connected."  Wait for your print job to
    complete, before attempting to reestablish communication with
    the PowerShot 600 digital camera.

8.  Using PowerShot 600 Version 1.21 TWAIN driver with Compaq
    QVision EISA Video Adapter.
    If you plan to use the PowerShot 600 Camera Version 1.21 TWAIN
    driver on a computer which uses a Compaq QVision EISA video
    adapter, you may see some vertical black lines appear next to
    some of the button controls used to operate the TWAIN user
    interface.  These lines do not affect the operation of the
    TWAIN driver in any way.  These lines only appear if you are
    operating your Compaq QVision EISA video adapter in 640 X 480
    resolution mode.  These lines will not appear in other Compaq
    video resolution modes (i.e. 800 X 600, 1024 X 768).

9.  Microsoft Plus!
(a)  Disabling "Show window contents while dragging" option

    If you are using the Microsoft Plus! add-on package for
    Windows 95, you may experience some unusual movement of
    the main window of the PowerShot 600 Camera Version 1.21
    TWAIN driver while dragging it by the title bar using
    your mouse pointer.  In some cases, the main window may
    not be accessible when moved to the extreme corner of your
    video monitor screen.  To avoid these problems, please 
    disable the Microsoft Plus! "Show window contents while
    dragging" feature by unchecking the appropriate checkbox
    located in the "Visual settings" options group.

<End of File>

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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